Dream meanings based on islamic tradition

Praying : 68 Islamic Dream Interpretations

~May 15, 2023~

In a dream, performing one’s compulsory prayers (Fardh) symbolises taking care of one’s family as they should be taken care of. Doing one’s supplemental prayers (Sunnah) in a dream indicates trying to provide extra comforts for one’s family.

Performing prayers given to you by God in a dream also implies maintaining a commitment, finding a job for someone who is unemployed, or reconciling with a friend or cousin you have not spoken to in a long time.

If you pray your daily prayers in a dream, it means you kept a promise, reached a goal, or got relief and comfort after being upset.

May Allah accept your dua, bless you with his constant protection and guidance, and keep you secure at all times.

Seeing yourself praying namaz in a dream islam

If you see yourself completing your mandatory prayers (Fardh) in a dream, it signifies you will gain a high-ranking position, make spiritual growth, be a leader, be in charge of other people, send a message, do your work, pay your dues, give over a trust, or do other things you must do in order to be at peace.

If you see yourself in a dream reciting one of the five compulsory prayers on time, after washing your hands and feet and standing, kneeling, and prostrating properly while facing the Ka’aba, it implies you will do a religious obligation or travel to Mecca on the yearly pilgrimage.

View the following more than 30 islamic definitions in alphabetic order:

Ablution before praying in a dream in Islam

In a dream, to see yourself performing ablution and then praying in the Aqi’q mountains is a sign that God is One.

In a dream, seeing oneself praying without the required ceremonial purification signifies corruption in one’s religious practises, but it can also be interpreted as devotion to God’s religion. In a dream, being in a state of ritual impurity may also represent confusion.

In a dream, if one witnesses himself performing ritual ablution for supplication from a fountainhead, it signifies that he will receive legal funds

Read the full content in performing wudu in dreams according to Islamic tradition.

Angels praying in dreams according to Islam

In a person’s dream, if they see angels pleading and asking for God’s pardon on their behalf, it is a portent that their religious and spiritual life will improve, and that they will amass a lot of money.

Praying to Allah (swt) in dreams in Islam

In a dream, seeing oneself praying to God Almighty or hearing someone else pray on his behalf is indicative of delight and wealth.

In a dream, prayers offered at God’s residence or a mosque are more beneficial than prayers offered elsewhere.

Seeing a group of people praying in a circle or performing Zikr and invoking heavenly attributes in a dream signifies a gathering of children, growth, benefits, or the removal of suffering.

Lying on the bed praying in dreams in Islam

If he prays while lying on his side in bed in a dream, he will become bedridden. If one prays in a mosque and then departs to attend to other responsibilities in a dream, it signifies that whatever he attends to will be favored and profitable.

In a dream, if a person sees himself praying while riding a horse, it signifies that he is experiencing dread or may be facing a fight.

When you pray at a door or in front of a bed in a dream, it means that someone has died.

Praying while sitting or resting on one side suggests illness.

Being able to complete the prayers in a dream in Islam

When one has reached their objective, they will have finished their prayers.

Being poor and praying in a dream in Islam

If you see yourself as a poor beggar in a dream, it means you pray a lot and ask God for extra blessings and favours.

If you see yourself in a dream reciting your customary prayers and then calling on God’s glory, it signifies you will be proved innocent, will perform a pledge, will fulfil a divine order, or that God Almighty will grant you money to pay off your obligations from an unexpected source.

Bowing during praying in a dream in Islam

The act of bending one’s knees while praying can also be interpreted as reaching one’s goals in life and quickly prevailing over an opponent.

Seeing oneself bowing down in prayer before the Almighty God in a dream is a metaphor for surrendering to His will, avoiding pride, and establishing God’s rules in one’s own life.

If a person has a dream in which they see themselves standing in prayer but they do not bow until the prescribed amount of time has passed, it is a sign that they have not given the appropriate amount of alms.

A person who is in desperate need of a job may have a dream in which they are bowing in prayer, which represents them getting a job.

If a woman dreams that she is kneeling in prayer before the Almighty God, it is a sign that she will maintain her virginity so that she might atone for past sins and bring honour to her name.

The act of kneeling can also be symbolic of a long life in a dream.

Call to prayers in a dream in Islam

It may represent backbiting, theft, proclaiming a noble deed, or sounding the war trumpets, rank and honour, following the dreamer’s orders, announcing a wife for a single man, or revealing the truth.

If he calls out in his dream with a beautiful voice and people respond, he is pursuing the approbation of those in positions of authority. If a person sees himself praying without clothing, it demonstrates his irreverence and disregard for his religion.

If someone dreams that they are alone and making the call to prayer (Azan) and then setting it up (Iqamah), it means that they will try to do good and get rid of bad things in their lives.

Read full content for dream meaning of calling for prayers.

Hearing the call to prayers in dreams as per Islam

A dream in which one hears the call to prayer signifies the pilgrimage season, also known as the sacred months.

A dream in which you hear the call to prayer may also represent invocations, supplications, or cheerful petitions.

Read more meanings in hearing azan in dreams according to the islamic tradition.

Iqamah in dreams in Islam

If one sees the holly prophet (uwbp) making the call to prayers in a dream, it means that prosperity will spread in that place. In a dream, if one sees him instituting the prayers (known as the Iqamah), it is a portent that the Muslims would come together and put an end to their disagreements.

Calling to prayers in a dream in Islam (muezzin)

If in your dream you see a muezzin says the whole call to prayer in a dream, it could mean that it is time for travel. In a dream, the call to prayer could also be a sound that warns of a break-in or a fire.

If a woman prays on top of a tower in a dream, it means that there will be new ideas and a big test in that area.

If a child in a dream calls people to pray from the top of a tower at a time other than the time of prayers, it means that people who do not know what they are doing will rise to power and lead his community.

Remember, in a dream the muezzin is a representation of the judge or gnostic from that region or nation who leads others along the correct road and whose call the believer heeds.

Calling to prayers but nobody answers in dreams Islam

If he sees himself calling and no one answering in a dream, it indicates that he is involved with unjust people.

Hearing the call to prayer in another language in dreams

Hearing the call to prayer in a language other than Arabic in a dream represents duplicity and backbiting.

Woman calling to prayer in a dream in Islam

Seeing a lady called to prayer while standing on top of a minaret in a dream denotes innovation and problems. If children call to prayer in a dream, it represents that the uneducated will rule the region. This is especially true if the call is placed outside of the appropriate time frame.

If an eligible person sees himself suitably called to prayers in a dream, he will be allocated to govern a territory the size of his voice in the dream.If he is a merchant, this portends that his business will grow.

If you are interested in this dream, check woman praying in dreams – according to the islamic tradition.

Calling to prayer when entering a graveyard or cementery in Islam

If someone approaches the graveyard in a dream, summoning to prayers, it implies that he will reprimand people, command what is good, and ban what is wicked.

muslim interpretation of grave in a dream

Hearing the call to prayer in a well in a dream

Backbiting, thievery, proclaiming a heroic act or sounding the war trumpets, rank and honour, obeying the dreamer’s commands, announcing a wife for a single guy, or telling the truth are all possibilities.

If he shouts out with a lovely voice in his dream and people reply, he is seeking the approval of those in positions of authority. If a person is seen praying naked, it indicates his disrespect and contempt for his religion.

Calling to prayer from the Ka’aba in a dream in Islam

If someone sees himself calling to prayers from the top of the Sacred House of Ka’aba in a dream, he is an innovator.

In a dream, he summons to prayer from within a ruin, implying that the ruin would be repaired and people will live there.

Calling to prayer from the house in dreams in Islam

For Al Bakri, if the dreamer is giving the call to prayer from the top of the house, his people will die.

If he dreams that he is giving the call to prayer from his neighbor’s roof, he will betray his neighbor with his wife.

If one is invited to prayer in a dream while in the bath or shower, it indicates that he will have a fever.

If he prays in his dream while lying in bed, it means his wife is chatting and slandering the neighbours.

In a dream, summoning to prayer while standing on a heap of garbage signifies unsuccessfully attempting to make peace with a dumb person.

Hearing the call to prayer inside a marketplace indicates that one of the merchants has died.

If he dreams that he is giving the call to prayer from the top of a wall, he will call a man to reconciliation.

Calling to prayer at the top of a minaret in dreams

In a dream, climbing a wooden minaret and asking people to prayer means that lying will help you gain power and move up the ranks. Sitting alone on top of a tower and praising God’s glory and oneness in a dream means that you will become famous. Loud glorifications, on the other hand, mean that God will take away your trouble and sadness.

Calling to prayer from the street

If the dreamer gives the call to prayer in the street, if he is a good person, then he will enjoin what is good and forbade what is evil.

Praying is performed in a congregation in dreams

If this prayer is said aloud in a dream, it symbolises rain, prosperity, children for a barren person, a prosperous crop, or the purchase of a new property.

If the rows are straight in the dream during a collective prayer, it implies that such individuals are always celebrating God’s praise.

Praying changing the order of the prayers in dreams

If a person alters the sequence of the ritual prayers in their dreams, it can mean a number of different things: that they defy their parents or object to someone they are meant to heed and obey; that they will suffer from forgetfulness or sleepless nights; that they lack intellect or are unable to recall or remember things; or that they will suffer from forgetfulness or sleepless nights.

Praying in the dark in dreams in Islam

In a dream, if a person prays in the dark, it means he will be spared from difficulties.

Praying drunk in dreams in Islam

It is a warning sign that a person would lie under oath in a legal proceeding if they have a dream in which they see themselves inebriated and praying.

In a person’s dream, the appearance of a grin at any point during the act of praying is a warning that the dreamer is prone to forgetting to pray in the correct manner and at the appropriate time.

Festival prayers in dreams in Islam

If one finds himself in a dream leading the festival prayers (‘Eid) at the end of the month of Ramadan, it signifies prosperity; if it is the festival of sacrifice, it indicates debt repayment, tension alleviation, personal or professional growth, or release from incarceration.

In a dream, performing either the solar or lunar eclipse prayers (Kusiif or Khusuf) foretells that a calamity will befall the country’s leaders or prominent citizens, or that everyone will attend the funeral of a famous person of knowledge.

Performing the special rain supplication (Istisqa) in a dream may represent an accident or a political upheaval. If the people offer this supplication from beginning to conclusion in their dream, it indicates that their hardship will be alleviated.

Praying any additional prayers (Nafl) in a dream symbolises piety and devotion to the Sunnah of God’s Messenger (Sunnah).

Find no place to pray in a dream in Islam

A seeker or student on the road who has a dream in which he or she finds themselves looking fruitlessly for a spot to pray is dreaming of a barrier that stands in the way of their progress or an impediment to their education.

Finishing the prayers in dreams

If one ends his prayers beginning his greetings from the left, then proceeding to the right in a dream, it means that he pursues the road of evildoing and innovation.

If one ends his prayers without the traditional greetings in a dream, it means that he is more interested in collecting his profit, than in protecting his capital investment.

Paying the regards of peace at the end of one’s prayers in a dream means pursuing one’s path, following the proper traditions, completing one’s job, resignation from one’s job, appointment, dismissal, travels and profits.

If a person finishes his prayers with the usual greetings to the right and then to the left in a dream, it means that his fears and concerns will go away and that he will follow the path of love and unity.

If someone only says hello to the right in their dream, it means that they will only try to fix some of their religion worries.

If he only says hello to the left side in his dream, it means he will have trouble for a while.

Paying the thanks of peace (Salam) at the end of one’s prayers in a dream means staying on one’s path, following religious rules, finishing one’s job, quitting one’s job, getting an important meeting, getting fired from work, travelling, or making money.

If a person ends their prayers by meeting people on the left and then moving to the right in a dream, it means that they are open to new ideas or that they follow the way of evil.

Friday congregational prayers in dreams Islam

In a dream, the Friday congregational prayers also symbolise the pilgrimage of the impoverished or paying off one’s debts. It also refers to the anticipation of favourable financial conditions or the reunion of a long-lost friend or loved one.

If one sees people gathered to pray the congregational Friday prayers at the grand mosque while he is still in his house or shop, and if he hears the call and segments of their prayers, or if he suspects people to be leaving the mosque to return to their homes in the dream, it means loss of his status in that town.

In a dream, doing the Friday congregational prayers represents happiness, joy, festivities, celebrations, the pilgrimage season, and refraining from borrowing money for one’s accessories or indulgences.

If one joins the congregational prayers in the dream, it means that he will
receive protection and honor in that town.

Joining the Friday congregational prayers in a dream is a sign of happiness and the ability to participate in one of the two festive congregational prayers that mark the end of Ramadan or the pilgrimage season.

If the dreamer is a woman:

If she dreams about preaching at Friday prayers, it indicates that she will divorce or have a child via infidelity.

If a woman dreams of preaching and instructing people what to do, she will get greater authority or marry a strong, decent man.

Read more in dream meaning of Friday prayers according to Islam.

Seeing yourself performing Friday prayers in a dream in islam

If one witnesses himself performing the Friday congregational prayers in a dream, it is an indication that he will achieve his goals.

In a dream, if one is performing the Friday prayers alone, it signifies that only he has access to such assistance.

If you find yourself performing the Friday congregational prayers (Jumu’a) in a dream, it indicates that you will soon receive respite, be reunited with a loved one, or have a need met.

muslim interpretation of grave in a dream

Funeral prayers in a dream according to Islam

In a dream, saying a funeral prayer for the deceased represents petitioning for forgiveness on their behalf or visiting their graves, or it could represent rebuking someone with a lifeless heart, or it could represent saying goodbye to travellers or caring for the destitute.

In a dream, reciting the funeral prayer represents intercession and supplication for his salvation. In a dream, if a person responds to the summons of a deceased individual, it is a portent that he will soon join him.

Seeing a deceased person perform the funeral prayer over another deceased person in a dream indicates that one’s actions are fraudulent, because conducting a funeral prayer is a deed, and dead people have no more deeds to offer.

Having a dream in which you say funeral prayers also signifies that you are making an appeal on behalf of a person who has sinned.

Read more in dead people in dreams according to the Islam.

READ ALSO >> islamic dream meaning of Janaza

Praying during a funeral in a dream in Islam

If the dreamer is not unwell and weeps or prays for the deceased during the funeral procession, it represents his intention to repent of his sins, join spiritual study circles, and serve the people of knowledge. In this position, a person may also achieve a lucky spiritual station and benefit from what he hears and observes.

If the deceased is unknown, performing funeral prayers signifies giving a job to an unemployed person, profiting from a partnership, or failing to perform one’s regular obligatory prayers adequately, or being negligent or easily distracted during prayers.

In a dream, if one sees himself conducting the funeral prayers and then intercedes excessively with special invocations on behalf of the deceased, it indicates that he will be appointed by a hypocritical monarch to manage a portion of his business.

Seeing oneself recite a funerary prayer in a dream is an indication that one will intercede on behalf of a sinner.

Getting distracted while praying in dreams in Islam

If a person dreams of a snake or cat that distracts him from his loyalty, it means that he needs to be careful with his wife or child.

Distractions during prayers are a sign of a person’s emotions, wants, or lack of attention. They show that a person is looking for temporary gains while ignoring the rewards of the afterlife.

Praying in a garden in dreams Islam

In a dream, if one sees himself praying in a garden, it signifies that he is pleading for God’s forgiveness.

In a dream, to see oneself praying in a farmland portends the repayment of one’s obligations.

If he prays in a slaughterhouse in his dream, he will commit the abhorrent crime of sõdömy.

Praying in front of Kaaba in dreams in Islam

If you see yourself in a dream saying one of the five required prayers on time, having washed your hands and feet properly, and standing, bowing, and prostrating in the right way in front of the Kaaba (Ka’aba), it means that you will do something religiously required or go on the annual pilgrimage to Mecca.

Praying in front of Kaaba could also mean that he will change his mind and stop doing something wrong, or that he will avoid doing something bad.

Performing some of the required rites at the holy Ka’aba in a dream also means that you work for someone in charge or serve a man of knowledge.

If you are interested in this dream check praying in front of Kaaba according to the muslim tradition.

Praying inside Kaaba in dreams

In a dream, praying within the sacred Kaaba signifies being guarded and protected by someone in power, as well as being secure from one’s adversary. In a dream, entering the sacred Ka’aba symbolises appearing before a monarch.

In a dream, the holy Kaaba signifies one’s prayers, as it is the focal point of all praying Muslims. In a dream, the holy Kaaba denotes God’s House, a mosque, a Muslim community centre, a teacher, a guide, Islam, the holy Qur’an, prophetic traditions, one’s son, a religious scholar, a shaikh, a master, a husband, one’s mother, and the heavenly paradise.

Performing late night prayers in dreams

In a dream, doing late night prayers (Tarawih) represents toil, tiredness, debt payback, and obtaining wisdom. In a dream, doing a particular rain prayer (arb. Istisqa) signifies anxieties, languidity, rising prices, market dullness, problems, unhappiness, attachment, and stagnation of the construction company.

In a dream, performing solar or lunar eclipse prayers means trying to comfort or appease someone, or it could mean repentance of a sinner, returning to the path of God Almighty, fear of authorities, difficulties, or manifestation of major signs of the approaching Hour of Reckoning.

Performing a special prayer of fear (Khawf) in a dream represents unity, concord, common consent, peace and tranquility.

Leading the prayers in a dream in Islam

If one leads the prayers in his dream, it means that he will guarantee something to someone, or it could means that he will borrow money for a term. If this is not feasible, he will have to cope with issues, but he will be remembered for his generosity and good deeds.

In such a dream, if one is the one to lead other people in prayer, it is a portent of travel or of one making a trip to Mecca.

If a man dreams that he is leading the people in prayer and he isqualified to do so, he will be appointed to a noble position, a better job position.

If he dreams that he leads them in prayer standing whilst they are sitting, that indicates that he will not fall short in his duties towards his people and that they are falling short in their duties towards him.

If he leads them in prayer whilst sitting and they are also sitting,they will travel and may be drowned or their garments may be stolen orthey may die.

If he dreams that he is leading women in prayer, he will be appointed over weak people.

Read more meaning in islamic interpretation of a dream of leading the prayers.

Pilgrimage season and praying in a dream in Islam

If you have a dream that you are praying or making a speech in the valley of Mina during the pilgrimage season, and neither you nor anybody in your family or clan is qualified, it implies that someone with the same name as you will do so.

If a person in a dream does not finish his speech or prayers, it implies he will arrive but will not remain long.

Praying with the prophet Muhammad in dreams in Islam

If God’s Prophet (uwbp) comes to someone in a dream or leads him in prayer, or if he sees himself walking with him, or if God’s Prophet gives him a promise or prays for him, then the person who had the dream is qualified to be a leader if he is a righteous and just man who commands what is good and forbids what is evil, and if he is learned and practices what he knows, and if he is a pious worshipper and a devout Muslim, he will then attain the station and company of the blessed ones.

Praying in masjid al-haram in dreams in Islam

For a Muslim, dreaming of being at the Masjid Al-Haram, the holy mosque in Mecca, and praying on the roof of the holy Ka’aba is a sign of peace, calmness, and being better than others.

It also signifies that the dreamer will be victorious wherever he goes, albeit with questionable behaviour. He may also follow innovation and depart from the traditions and teachings of God’s Messenger, upon whom be peace.

Read full content for this dream in praying in masjid al-haram according to Islam.

Missing to perform a prayer in a dream in Islam

If one purposefully fails to do a compulsory prayer, or plans to do so later in the dream, it indicates that he takes his religious duty lightly and wants to alter his attitude later.

Prayers in a dream in Islam

In a dream, paying the peace respects at the conclusion of one’s prayers indicates pursuing one’s route, adhering to right traditions, finishing one’s job, resigning from one’s job, appointment, dismissal, travels, and profits.

In a dream, if one closes his prayers by greetings from the left and then moving to the right, it denotes that he is on the path of evildoing and invention.

In a dream, if one closes his prayers without the usual pleasantries, it indicates that he is more concerned with collecting his profit than with preserving his capital investment.

If one says his prayers with a twang in a dream, it means that he will linger in difficulties, and that people will mock him too.

Prayers are answered in a dream in Islam

To have one’s wants met when praying to God Almighty and then having a dream in which God responds to those requests indicates that one’s prayers have been heard and answered.

Praying for a sick person in dreams in Islam

If one prays for a sick person in a dream, it represents a lack of luck and uncertainty in one’s faith. In a dream, grouping two prayers together or shortening them denotes travel or temptation.

Praying being sick in a dream

In a dream, seeing oneself in a state of leprosy while reciting the Qur’an indicates unlawful and prohibited earnings or losing whatever words of the Qur’an one has memorised.

Praying without proper clothing in dreams

If one finds himself praying without properly covering his or her modesty as necessary in a dream, it implies that one is incorrect when fasting or giving charity from illegitimate gains, that one is following innovation, that one is falling slave to passions, or that one is right no matter how he prays.

Wearing a kufi or a headdress for prayers in a dream means atonement for one’s sins. Wearing a jubbah or a long cloak in a dream means longevity.

Without a prayer mat praying directly on a muddy, damp, and polluted ground indicates poverty, shame, and need.

If one prays to dread anything in a dream, it signifies forming a commercial alliance, engaging in business activity, or experiencing the pangs of dying.

Praying without a reason in dreams in Islam

In a dream, if a person sees himself seated and praying without an explanation, it signifies that he will perform an act that is not acceptable to his Lord.

If in a dream one sees himself praying while consuming honey, it indicates that he will engage in carnal relations with his wife during the fasting hours.

Reciting “in the name of God” during praying in dreams

In a dream, if a person puts down the phrase “In the Name of God” with a beautiful handwriting, it is a portent that the person will achieve financial success and be recognised for their expertise in their chosen profession.

If a person dreams that they are reciting it during their prayers when it is not their usual practise to do so, it is a sign that they are going to borrow an unreasonable amount of money or that they are going to give precedence to leaning towards their mother rather than their father or the reverse.

islamic interpretation of dreaming about father

Praying behind the Prophet in a dream in Islam

If the dreamer prays behind of the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, it shows that he is honest, has faith in God’s oneness, follows His Messenger, and stays true to his ways.

Seeing praying mat in dreams in Islam

If you dream of a prayer mat, it could mean that you are a religious woman or that you have a religious task or meeting.

Praying in Mecca in dreams according to Islam

In a dream, entering the holy Mosque in Mecca and praying on the roof of the holy Ka’aba represents peace, tranquillity, and presiding over others; it also represents that one will become victorious wherever one goes, though with questionable behaviour; he may also follow innovation and depart from the traditions and teachings of God’s Messenger, upon whom be peace.

You should take a look at praying in masjid Al-haram in dreams.

Praying at the Mihrab in dreams in Islam

If you pray at the mihrab in a dream, good news is on the way.

If a woman dreams that she is praying at the mihrab of a mosque, it means that she will have a boy or a girl.

Seeing a prayer spot in a mosque that is not in the right place in a dream means going off God’s road and making mistakes in what you say and do.

In a dream, a mihrab can also mean legal food or a good wife.

In a dream, if the prayer area of a mosque is facing the wrong way, if it smells bad, or if a dead animal is lying inside it, it means that the person having the dream is an unbeliever, a leader, and a liar.

Missing the time to pray in a dream in Islam

If the dreamer discovers that he missed the time of the prescribed prayer and was unable to locate a place or time to perform it, it signifies that he will have trouble completing something, paying a debt, or achieving a worldly objective.

Non muslim praying in a dream in Islam

If you see a stranger praying at a masjid in your dream, it means that the Imam of that masjid will die from a terminal illness.

Read more meanings of seeing a non muslim praying in dreams.

Praying beads in dreams in Islam

In a dream, prayer beads indicate a righteous and religious woman, a lawful and blessed way to make a living, or loyal troops. (See also Beads.)

Praying in the mosque in dreams Islam

In a dream, praying at a mosque or masjid represents following in the footsteps of God’s Prophet, peace be upon him, encouraging family togetherness, or, if eligible, becoming a judge.

Read more in dream of praying in a mosque according to the Islam.

Entering a mosque to pray in dreams in Islam

In a dream, entering a masjid with a group of people and having them construct a little hole for him within the masjid denotes that he will be married.
In a dream, if one must climb a stairway to reach the masjid, the masjid represents a frugal person who does not want to share.

If a person enters a masjid and finds its doors locked, and someone opens the entrance for him in a dream, it means he will help someone return a debt and then publicly acclaim his excellent characteristics. In a dream, entering a mosque astride an animal represents the dreamer severing links with his relatives, abandoning them, and forbidding them from following him.

Seeing oneself at a new masjid in a dream that one does not recognise indicates that one will make the trip to God’s House in Mecca that same year, or that one will join religious groups to learn about one’s faith.

If you have a dream in which you see an unknown person worshipping in a masjid, it is a portent that the Imam of that mosque is suffering from an incurable disease and will soon pass away.

In a dream, if a person sees himself going down a staircase that leads to a mosque, lush vegetation, green fields, a fresh spring breeze, or a pond to take a ritual ablution before praying, it means that person will become a true believer, repent for his sins, and stop doing bad things.

Read more in dream meaning of mosque or masjid according to the islamic tradition.

Praying at the top of a mountain in dreams in Islam

In the event that he conducts his prayers or leads others in prayer atop a mountain in the dream, it is a portent that he will be given a position of authority in the waking world.

Praying in the middle of the night (Witter) in a dream

In a dream, if a person sees himself praying in the middle of the night (Witter), it is a sign that the person pays attention to the needs of his family and that perhaps they find solace in his presence. See more in Performing the sunset Maghrib prayers.

Praying the last part of the regular prayer in dreams

The final section of typical Muslim prayers conducted while seated. After then, a person might pray for himself or for others. If you see this section of a prayer in your dream, it implies that a condition or agreement between two persons must be satisfied.

It might also imply that a person must obtain a guardian for his or her prospective bride, as a marriage cannot be legally consummated without one.

Performing salat in dream in islam

Performing Salat in dreams has different islamic meanings, most of them are quite positive, favourable and promising.

One of them says that if you pray salah or salat in a dream, it means you kept a promise, met a goal, or got relief and comfort after being upset.

Read full content in page doing salat in dreams – meanings according to Islam.

Performing (Sunnah) supplementary prayers in dreams

In a dream, doing supplemental prayers (Sunnah) in the manner of the guiding example of God’s messenger, upon whom be peace, implies helping one’s community with sincerity, purity, and excellent attributes. This is in accordance with the teachings of the Quran and the Sunnah.

If a person has a dream in which they see themselves saying extra supererogatory prayers, it is a sign that they are concerned about the success of their life beyond death and that they will enjoy the reward of their devotion both in this world and in the life after death.

Special Prayers in dreams in Islam

In a dream, reciting a unique prayer for advice on a specific need or condition (Istikharah) signifies the elimination of doubt or perplexity, the obtaining of advice for one’s difficulty, or the success of a project.

If the person conducting such a prayer is known to follow the guidance of a spiritual teacher or shaikh, his dream signifies a spiritual decline, since a true seeker does not have concerns.

In a dream, performing specific petitions for the achievement of specific objectives represents attending formal ceremonies or being punctual for appointments.

In a dream, reciting a specific prayer for the safe return of a traveller (Gha’ib) signifies a supplication for favourable weather conditions for one’s own or others’ requirements.

In a dream, reciting a particular prayer over the grave of a deceased person signifies giving extravagant gifts for no apparent purpose, or it could mean donating to those in need.

In a dream, reciting a special prayer of welcome at a mosque represents spending one’s money to help relatives and impoverished acquaintances. A spontaneous and unanticipated prayer in a dream represents surreptitiously donating to charity or seeking employment from unjust individuals.

In a dream, doing the festival prayers (Eid) at the conclusion of Ramadan implies settling one’s bills, healing from a sickness, eliminating problems, and dispersing one’s anxieties.

In a dream, doing the sacrifice festival prayers (Eid-ul Adha) denotes controlling one’s business, keeping pledges, or completing obligations.

Performing Janaza in a dream signifies intercession on behalf of the deceased.

In a dream, the performance of the Arabic Tahajjud prayers signifies a promotion.

In a dream, praying after the specified time (Qada’) signifies repayment of debts, repentance for wrongdoings, or fulfilment of covenants.

Performing the specific requests for honouring God, known as Tasab’ih in Arabic, in a dream signifies receiving a gift, a bestowal of celestial favour, benefits, and prosperity.

In a dream, reciting a unique absolution prayer (Istighfar) signifies approval of one’s contrition and remission of his sins.

Supererogatory prayers in a dream as per Islam

Supererogatory prayers in a dream also represent communal solidarity, love for one’s family, and a persistent attempt to serve and delight them by acts, money, and emotional and financial support.

A supererogatory prayer, whether said during the day or in a dream at night, is a virtuous deed that draws a person closer to his Lord, provides peace between foes, or helps people love one another.

According to Al-Bakri, Shaykh Shihaab-ud-Deen said: Obligatory prayers represent capital and Nafl prayers indicate something additional to that. They are indicative of an increase in positive things because they represent profit; they are indicative of averting disasters and meeting requirements. If the Nafl prayers are completed and the visionary has a child, he will be graced with a second child; otherwise, he will be blessed with twins.

Performing prayers sitting in dreams in Islam

Performing one’s prayers sitting in a dream means an illness, failures, contentment, or a warning about an affliction that will befall one’s father, teacher, or a beloved.

Someone praying in a dream as per Islam

Seeing someone do namaz in your dream indicates that you are getting increasingly persuaded that the people around you are failing to complete their religious obligations appropriately. You can tell that they are not acting in accordance with Islamic teachings.

Hearing someone else pray on the Holy Prophet’s behalf is indicative of delight and wealth.

Read more in someone praying in dreams according to Islam.

Someone praying for you in a dream in Islam

If the dreamer sees many people praying for his healing in a dream, that is indicativeof happiness and wealth and it was said that it is indicative of Hajj.

See more meanings in dream of someone praying for me according to Islam.

Praying Salah wrong in dreams in Islam

In a dream, if one concludes his rituals without the customary salutation, it signifies that he is more concerned with collecting his profit than protecting his capital investment.

In other words, if a person concludes his prayers in a dream without the customary pleasantries, he is more concerned with collecting his immediate earnings than protecting his capital investment.

Read the rest of the content for this dream in praying salah wrong according to Islam.

Praying salah wrong direction in dreams

If one sees himself praying in the incorrect direction in a dream, it indicates that he does the opposite of what is expected of him or acts against what God Most High has ordained.

Praying with only two group of prostrations in dreams

If in a dream one sees himself performing the obligatory prayers (Fardh) with only two groups of prostrations (Rak’at), it portends travel.

In a dream, if a woman sees herself performing the obligatory (Fardh) prayers with only two groups of prostrations, she will have her monthly period on that day.

Praying for rain (Salaat al-Istisqa’)

For Al-bakri, the prayer for rain is indicative of seeking some essentials of life from people of high position.

Talking while praying in dreams in Islam

Talking during prayers in a dream represents asking for a gift one has given back, failing to focus one’s aim, or discussing one’s charity in public.

In a dream, if one reads out loud when he should read inwardly, or if he reads inwardly when he should invoke outwardly, and if he is called upon to judge between people, it means that his judgement will be wrong, or that he may follow his own mind, or it could mean affectation, falsehood, hypocrisy, hiding the truth, or unjustly confiscating someone is money.

Unknown individual praying in a dream as per Islam

At Islamic lore, it is foretold that the Imam of a certain mosque would succumb to a life-threatening disease if the dreamer observes an unknown person doing prayers at that mosque.

Walking and Praying in dreams in Islam

If the dreamer prays while striding, he will experience extreme terror.

Woman leading the prayers in a dream in Islam

If a woman witnesses herself leading males in prayer in her dream, it portends that she will expire shortly.

If a woman has a dream in which she leads men in prayer, she will perish because she only leads men in prayer when she is on her deathbed.

In a dream, if one sees himself facing the incorrect direction while praying, it signifies that he does the opposite of what is required of him or acts contrary to what God Almighty has ordained.

Praying in the wrong direction in dreams in Islam

If one sees himself in a dream turning his back on God’s House, it signifies that he is an apostate who opposes God’s religion or is indifferent to it.

If one sees people in a mosque facing in a different direction in a dream, it indicates that their leader or judge will be removed from office, or that he does not follow the prescribed rules of his religion, or that he makes religious interpretations based on his own mind and desires.

However, performing one’s prayers, turning helplessly in any direction, and pleading for assistance in a dream signifies seeking God’s proximity, or asking to be accepted by other believers for an unacceptable indulgence or a non-permissible opinion, or travelling in the direction he faced in the dream.

In a dream, if a person sees himself praying eastward or westward beyond the point of God’s House in Mecca, it signifies that he is a contemptible person who is full of arrogance, who backbite and slander others, and who dares indulge in sin and disobedience to his Lord.

The inability to determine the direction of the Ka’aba in a dream indicates a lack of faith. In contrast, if one sees himself confronting the sacred Ka’aba in a dream, it indicates that he is on the correct path.

Doing wudu in dreams in dreams Islam

If you see yourself doing ablution and then prayer in the Aqi’q mountains in a dream, this shows that God is One.

In a dream, if you see yourself praying without the needed ritual cleansing, it could mean that your religious practises are corrupt, but it could also mean that you are dedicated to God’s faith. In a dream, being ritually impure can also mean being confused.

If a trader dreams that he is praying without washing, it means that he has gone into business without enough money. If a worker has this dream, it means that he does not have a place to live. If a king has this dream, it means he has no troops to protect him.

In a dream, if one witnesses himself performing ritual ablution for supplication from a fountainhead, it signifies that he will receive legal funds. A dream in which a fountainhead is discovered signifies prosperity.

In a dream, taking a customary bath before Friday prayers represents purification, washing away sin, turning away from sin, assisting one’s parents, or being faithful to one’s friends.

If a person prays in a dream but does not wash properly, it means that his religious actions are pointless and that he does not care about his religion.

Read more in perforimng wudu in dreams – meanings for a muslim.


Performing Fajr (daybreak) prayers in dreams in Islam

If one sees himself performing the daybreak prayers before dawn in a dream, it means that the morning has come and it will be soon before he hears either good or bad news

If one finds oneself in a dream conducting the dawn Fajr prayers, it indicates that he will begin with the unavoidable, such as working to provide for his family.

For Al-Bakri, Fajr prayer means that the dreamer has started something that will be in theinterests of his livelihood.

Read more about this dream in offering fajr prayers in a dream according to the Islam.

Performing Zuhur (midday prayers) in dreams in islam

The noon prayers known as Zuhur in Arabic indicate a manifestation, a proclamation, or the uncovering of something hidden.

Praying Zuhur in a dream represents completing one’s goal, meeting every need, and receiving whatever one has asked for, whether it be earthly rewards in this world or spiritual advantages in the hereafter, especially if one sees oneself complete his prayers in the dream.

Seeing oneself complete the midday Zuhur prayers at the time of the midafternoon prayers in a dream signifies that he will fulfil his obligations.

If a person’s midday Zuhur or midafternoon prayers are interrupted in a dream, it signifies that he will repay fifty percent of his debt.

If one finds oneself in a dream reciting the Zuhur prayers on a clear day and feeling content, it is a portent that he will be involved in a task that will bring him fame, and he will enjoy the fruits of his labour as much as he did on that clear and beautiful day in the dream. If one’s midday Zuhur prayers are conducted in a dream on a cloudy day, it is a portent of difficult labour.

Seeing oneself complete the midday Zuhur prayers at the time of the midafternoon prayers in a dream signifies that he will fulfil his obligations.

If a person’s midday Zuhur or midafternoon prayers are interrupted in a dream, it signifies that he will repay fifty percent of his debt. In a dream, reciting the midafternoon prayers indicates that the dreamer’s work will soon be completed, leaving him with little to do.

According to Al-Bakri, if a person dreams that he is praying Zuhr on a clear day, he willbecome involved in something that will bring him joy. If he dreams tha the is praying Zuhr on a cloudy day, he will be involved in somethingthat will bring him distress.

Midmorning prayers (Dhuha) conducted in a dream symbolise amnesty, purity, the formulation of a sincere oath, contentment, and emancipation from polytheism.

Performing Asr (mid afternoon) prayers in dreams in Islam

The presence of midafternoon prayers in a dream indicates that the dreamer’s task will end shortly and he will have less to do.

Completing the mid-afternoon prayers, known in Arabic as Asr, in a dream signifies making a promise or a pledge. This dream prayer also represents one’s duty.

If one discovers oneself reciting the ‘Asr prayers in a dream, it signifies that all of one’s petitions will be answered, albeit with difficulty. If a person does not complete his ‘Asr petitions in a dream, it indicates that his supplication may not be answered.

Performing the sunset Maghrib prayers in dreams in Islam

Considering the sunset Maghrib prayers in a dream represent the completion of one’s duties and the need for repose. In a dream, the night ‘Isha prayer signifies covering items or entering one’s private residence. On a third level, the midday guhur prayers represent contrition, the revocation of laws, or their repeal.

In a dream, if one witnesses himself performing the Maghrib prayers, also known as the sunset prayers in Arabic, it signifies that he has found what he was pursuing. If a person finishes his Maghrib prayers in a dream, it signifies that he will obtain his heart’s desires.

As per Al-Bakri, maghrib prayer indicates that he is taking care of his dependents.

Praying the Isha (night prayer) in dreams in Islam

In Arabic, the evening prayer is called ‘Isha. If you see yourself doing the ‘Isha prayers in a dream, it means that you will finish your work and get what you want, or that you will reach the end of your life and go to sleep, which is the same thing as dying.

If you see yourself saying the evening ‘Isha prayers in a dream, it means that you are committed to providing for your family’s needs, like food, clothes, a place to live, and education, as God Almighty has asked. If you dream that you are praying in the middle of the night (arb. Witter), it means that you take care of your family and make them feel better by being there.

For Al-Bakri, Isha prayer means that he will treat his family in a way thatbrings joy to their hearts.

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