Dream meanings based on islamic tradition

House : 77 Islamic Dream Interpretations

~May 18, 2023~

In dreams, a house have various meanings as per the islamic tradition. One of them is your wife, your partner or a special member of your family you live with. Your current family relationships are also represented by your home.

May Allah bless you with His blessings and ease your problems and hardship.

In dream interpretation -as per Ibn Seerin– a house, residence or dwelling represents your perspective on the current situation. That’s right, it represents a method of thinking with which you are familiar but of which you are not always aware. Additionally, it represents your feelings.

In a dream, a person’s dwellings represent his physical form, carnal self, and substance.

A house in your dream may be also a reflection of one’s conscious actions.

Finding oneself in a newly constructed, freshly painted home with all the necessary amenities and accommodations in a dream is indicative of affluence. If the dreamer is impoverished, it indicates he will readily meet his financial obligations. If he is anxious, it means he will be relieved of these responsibilities.

If the dreamer is an artisan, he will master his craft or acquire power proportional to the beauty, precision, scale, and fine details of the house he saw in his dream. If he is in transgression, then he will likely alter.

In a dream, the size of one’s residence represents one’s finances, knowledge, generosity, generosity, and generosity.

In a dream, the destruction of a new home symbolises evil and adversity.

May Allah remove all your tears, worries, sorrows and pains and replace them with complete happiness, smiles and good health.

More than 66 dream interpretations are listed alphabetically below:

Beautiful house in dreams in Islam

For a muslim, dreaming about a beautiful house indicates that he is anticipating good news in his daily life, such as the completion of a particular project.

Read more in meanings of a beautiful house in dream.

Big house in dreams as per the Islam

If one dreams that his home is larger than it is in reality, it signifies an increase in one’s material resources. In a dream, if it grows beyond normal proportions, it signifies anxiety, or a delegation that hastily enters that house without permission, heralding a disaster, or it could indicate that a wedding will take place in that house.

If a sick person sees himself walking out of an unknown prison, or out of a tiny house into a large open space in a dream, it means that he will recover from his illness and fully enjoy his life.

Read more meanings about seeing a big house in dreams.

Being trapped in a house in dream in Islam

In a dream, seeing oneself trapped and tied up within a home represents a favourable progress in one’s life.

That’s right.

If a person dreams that he is confined and imprisoned in a house, it is a sign that he will receive good news or experience good health and fortune. In a dream, being confined within a residence signifies living with a challenging spouse.

Someone breaking into your house in a dream in Islam

If the dreamer is a sick person there is a robber entering the house, it is a portent that he will pass away. In a dream, if a robber breaks into a home but steals nothing, it is a sign that the dreamer will get better soon from whatever ailment he was suffering from.

If an unknown thief enters one’s house and steals his washing basin, or his blanket, or a feminine item, or a similar house item in a dream, it may mean
the death of one’s wife, or of a woman in his immediate family.

See more interpretations in someone breaking into house in dreams according to Islam.

Breaking into a house in dreams

Breaking a lock and getting into a house in a dream is a sign of a winner or the rewards that person will get.

Bright and sun-lighted house in dreams

If the dreamer sees the sun rising within one’s residence lighting the entire dwelling, that means the dreamer will achieve honor, dignity, respect, and renown. If a woman dreams about the sun rising inside her home, she will marry a wealthy guy and her horizons will expand. The brilliance of the sun in a dream represents a country’s sovereign’s reverence, power, and justice.

Broken house in a dream as per Islam

Seeing your house broken in a dream means there will be discord within the family.

If a portion of one’s home collapses while he is awaiting the return of a family member or visitor in a dream, it signifies the imminent arrival of such a traveller.

If its door is broken, or its latch or lock is broken, or the nails of the door fall out, if he is a governor he will be dismissed, or he or his relative or his male or female slave will die, or he will leave his wife or people he knows who offered him protection and favors. It may mean that thieves will enter that place, because of the disappearance of what kept them out.

Read full content in seeing a broken house in dreams according to the Islam.

Building your own house in dreams in Islam

Building a home in your dreams also means expanding your network and growing closer to family and acquaintances. It implies creating a strong force if the individual is a general or army boss.

In a dream, constructing a house can also represent regaining control, happiness, or business success.

All of this is determined by the thickness of the walls. In a dream, building a home and strengthening its walls represents carrying on the father’s practises and working in his profession.

In a dream, constructing one’s own house symbolises a sick person’s recovery. If such a structure is challenging to build and the family’s custom is to bury its deceased on the same land, this could suggest the death of a family member.

Building one’s own home in a dream indicates that a sick individual will recover. If the structure is hard and the family typically burys its deceased on the same plot of land, it indicates that someone in the family perished of sickness.

If no one is sick in the house and there is music and partying while it is being constructed, it indicates that you will have to go through some difficult times. If the individual in the dream is not married, it indicates that he will marry. If he is married, it is likely that one of his offspring will marry.

If a sick person dreams of building a home, it indicates that they will recover and become healthy again. Putting up the foundation for a home and then building it up in a dream represents your search for knowledge, insight, or direction.

A dream in which you build a home in a different county, town, or region indicates that you will marry a woman from that area. Putting together a ceramic structure in a dream represents getting ready.

If you see a house built of clay in your dream, it indicates you are earning money lawfully. If you carve images or forms on them in your dream, it indicates you will acquire knowledge, learn a new skill, or get a position in government that involves partying, drinking, and mingling with illegal people.

In a dream, building a home for yourself or for someone else indicates that a relative or child will die, or that your wife will abandon you. If the home in the dream is made of materials that should not be used for construction, it indicates that the person’s source of income is unlawful.

When adobes are used to construct a house in a dream, it represents the father’s closeness and affection for his offspring. If you dream that an adobe crumbles, it indicates that an ill person has perished, your family is not as close as it once was, or your children have moved away.

Building a room on the second floor in a dream means marrying a second wife.

Building a home in the air, placing a mat in the air, or erecting a tent in the air all indicate the demise of an ill person. In this instance, the individual is constructing his or her own tomb.

If you see yourself in a dream constructing a house on top of a cloud, it indicates you live a decent life, earn excellent money, and have ethics.

If someone constructs a home on top of a cloud in a dream, it indicates that he avoids sin because he is wise.

Buying a house in dreams as per Islam

Buying a house may reveals new friends, new relatives, excellent relations with good and pious people, individuals with good-paying jobs.

Read the rest of the content for this dream in buying a house in dreams according to Islam.

Purchasing a new house in dreams as per Islam.

Calling to prayer from your house in dreams

Al Bakri believes that his people will perish if someone dreams of giving the call to prayer from the roof of his home.

If he has a dream in which he is reciting the call to prayer from his neighbor’s roof, he will deceive his neighbour with his wife.

Inviting one to pray in a dream while bathing or showering is indicative of a future illness.

Read more in praying in dreams according to the Islam.

Carrying a house in a dream in Islam

If a person dreams of carrying a house on his shoulders, it signifies that he provides for a dependent woman or wife.

Cleaning the house in a dream in Islam

In a dream, sweeping the floors of one’s home with a brush signifies destitution, the demise of a sick person in that home, or the division of one’s property and possessions after death.

In a dream, sweeping the floor and collecting trash with a dustpan signify revenues from a project.

Read the full content in islamic dream meaning of cleaning a house.

Collapsing wall house in a dream in Islam

If a person dreams that a wall collapses over their head or falls on top of other people, it is a sign that the person has done a great number of crimes and that, unless they repent, they will be punished very quickly.

Read more in collapsing wall house in dreams.

Construction of house in dreams according to Islam

In a dream, constructing a house can also represent regaining control, happiness, or business success.

Read more meaning for this dream in seeing construction of house in dream according to Islam.

Cloud inside a house in dreams in Islam

If you see a cloud inside your house or coming down on you in your room in a dream, it means that you will join a group of followers, get an award, gain knowledge, or, if you want a child, your wife will get pregnant.

Cooking food in your house in a dream in Islam

In a dream, if you cook a dinner for your own house, it means you are getting married. In other words, to see oneself catering a dinner for his own house in a dream represents a wedding.

Dancing in your house in dreams in Islam

In a dream, dancing alone at home means that you are happy and at peace. In a dream, dancing inside your home with your family and no other people around is a sign of happiness and celebration. If someone who is sick thinks of dancing, it means they will live a long life.

When you play or hear a string instrument in a dream, it means that you are lying. If you play them at home in a dream, something bad will happen to your family.

Dark house with no lights in dreams in Islam

A man who dreams of a residence with no lights is a terrible person. If a woman shares the same residence with him, it indicates that he is a horrible individual.

In a dream, seeing full darkness within one’s home denotes a lengthy travel.

In a dream, turning off the light in one’s house represents the owner’s suspicious nature, financial difficulties, death, or the death of a father, mother, wife, kid, or ill person.

Dead loved one in a house in a dream as per Islam

Seeing deceased relatives in dreams in Islam means that you are still missing them and need their presence and guide in your current life.

Demolishing one’s house in a dream as per the Islam

In a dream, tearing down one’s home signifies a conflict within the family.

If one builds a wall then tears it down in a dream, it means that he will attempt
at destroying someone’s livelihood, or perhaps kill him.

If you dream of a construction worker demolishing a wall or house, it portends a conflict between two companions that could result in the death of one of them. If he dreams that a tempest devastated his entire home, a tyrant will murder someone in that location.

In a dream, demolishing an old house or structure signifies poor fate. In a dream, destroying one’s home signifies that one’s family, relatives, friends, allies, or army will quarrel, break up, or divide up.

Destroyed House in dream in Islam

If your home is devastated in a dream, it indicates that there is conflict in the family.

If one sees a destroyed house standing erect anew in a dream, it means spiritual awakening of its owner. If one is awaiting the return of a member of his family, or if he is awaiting a guest to arrive, and if a part of his house caves in, it means the near arrival of such a traveller.

If a person dreams that his house is destroyed, the sick person or the old person in that place will die, or he will leave his wife or his son or his relative, or he will lose his livelihood.

Dirty House in dreams in Islam

Seeing a dirty dwelling reflects your fears of becoming ill or the advancement of an existing ailment. Read more in dirty house dreams as per the Islam.

Entering a house in dreams in Islam

If a person dreams of entering his own home, it signifies that he will marry or have sexual relations with his wife.

In a dream, the arrival of a just person at a home portends good fortune.

Entering someone else’s house

If one sees himself entering someone else’s home in a dream, it indicates that he will defeat him, obtain a financial advantage over him, or control his interests.

In a dream, entering the governor’s home and feeling comfortable and at ease there indicates that he is seeking the governor’s help in a personal matter.

Entering an unknown house

If a person in a dream enters an unknown house, residence, ground, or structure and encounters deceased souls he knows, he has entered the realms of the departed. If he sees himself entering and exiting this sphere in his dream, he will be close to death before recovering from a grievous ailment.

Dreaming of entering one’s own house for the first time as a bride symbolises entering Mecca’s Sacred House.

Moving out of an unknown house in a dream means travelling.

Angels entering a house

Seeing angels entering one’s house in a dream means that a thief will burglarize such a house.

Jinn enters your house in a dream

In a dream, seeing Jinn enter one’s house and undertake work there indicates that burglars may break in and create huge damages.

If you are interested in this dream, read jinn entering your house in dreams.

Beggar entering your house in dreams in Islam

In a dream, seeing angels enter one’s home indicates that a criminal will break into it.

In a dream, if one sees beggars approaching his house or town in a group, it represents the scattering of his family or household, and if they steal something from his house, it represents a disaster.

Somebody entering your house in dreams in Islam

If he sees someone entering his home in his dream, it indicates that someone will know about his personal life, or that an arrogant person will become a close family friend, then violate his confidence and have an affair with his wife.

Woman entering your house in dreams in Islam

Seeing a beautiful woman entering one’s house in a dream means joy and happiness, money that will not last, or the reversal of one’s condition from harsh to amiable.

If an elderly lady enters a home in a dream, it represents affluence and commercial success; if she exits a house in a dream, it represents the inverse.

People wearing white clothing getting into your house in dreams

If one sees his home crowded with people wearing white uniforms, it means that he is recuperating from a sickness or that he will overcome adversity and overcome his worries. If such people are clad in dark outfits in the dream, they represent illness, anguish, or melancholy, and what they say during the dream also reveals their purpose.

House falling on you in a dream in Islam

In a dream, if one witnesses his dwellings collapsing or collapsing on him, he will receive an inheritance from the possessions of a deceased relative.

Flooded house in dreams as per the Islam

A dream in which your house is inundated with dirty or contaminated water suggests that there is a lot of negativity in your home, such as disputes or conflicts between family members. Perhaps you think that the atmosphere in your house is toxic or dangerous. In a number of cases, I have noticed that this dream indicates that the dreamer is overwhelmed by negative feelings such as despair, sorrow, and so on.

Read more meaning in islamic dream meaning of seeing a flooded house.

Former house the dreamer lived in dreams in Islam

Seeing a house where you used to live means that you want to restore or recapture some pieces of your past, potentially a sense of personal safety or belonging to a group.

If you are interested in this dream, take a look at seeing yourself in your former house in a dream according to Islam.

Having a golden house in dreams in Islam

If a person believes that his home is composed of gold, he will perish in a fire.

Having dinner in your house in Islam

In a dream, serving food to visitors in your home represents a loved one returning home after a long journey. If one finds oneself in a dream sitting at a table laden with various foods and fruits, it implies that he will be called upon to serve his Lord and gain heaven.

House on fire in a dream according to Islam

When a Muslim has a dream in which he sees fire on a house, it is a sign that there will be strong emotional reactions among the members of his household, fights, or conflicts with the people he lives with.

If the house door is burned in the dream, it means difficulties for the resident guardian of that house.

Read more meanings in seeing a house in fire in a dream for a muslim.

Someone else’s house on fire in dreams as per Islam

In a dream, if fire descends from the heavens over people’s homes, it portends plagues, disease, pleurisy, smallpox, mortality, or devastation.

In a dream, a burning granary portends an increase in prices.

A house inside your house in dreams in Islam

If you dream of a big house inside your own house, it means that a good woman will live there or move in, which will be a blessing for that house.

In a dream, a passageway beneath such a house represents deception or that a treacherous individual has access to that household.

In the dream, a tunnel under such a home represents deception or that a perfidious individual has access to that family.

Intruder in your house in dreams in Islam

In a dream, someone invading your house is symbolic of a stranger, a low-spirited person who is severely embarrassed by others due to his cast or background. This type of person is also referred to as an outsider.

In a dream, an invader may also stand for a message, a person who is active or animated, or a person who is restless.

New or improved house in a dream in Islam

In a dream, seeing one’s own homes as new or remodelled represents regaining or improving one’s company.

Its fresh paint represents meeting one’s sacred duties. Its granite or mosaic floors represent his pleasures or wife.

If one sees himself in a dream restoring an old building for other people, it represents the rectification of social standards or the return of ancient customs.

If you see yourself in a dream spreading moist clay to the walls of your house, it means you are a good person.

Read more meaning in new house in dreams in Islam.

Locking door of your house in a dream in Islam

If he locks the door to his own house in his dream, it indicates that he plans weddings or works as a wedding consultant. In a dream, he locks the door to his shop, indicating that he deals in goods and services.

Losing your house in a dream in islam

If one loses a house in a dream, it indicates that he will incur additional fees, repairs, or taxes on his property.

Hiding in your house in dreams in Islam

If one sees himself entering a house to hide himself in a dream, it indicates that he will receive condolences or have a girl. Furthermore, hiding in a dream represents reliance on what one conceals behind.

Seeing the Holy Prophet in a house in a dream

If one enters a room and finds him (uwbp) sitting there in a dream, it means that a miraculous sign, or a major event will take place in such a locality

Leaving your house in a dream in Islam

If a sick person sees himself in a dream walking out of his house in silence, it means his death and funeral, while if he speaks in the dream, it means that he will recover from his illness.

House with lights on in your dreams in Islam

In a dream, turning on the light in one’s house represents the owner’s suspicious nature, financial difficulties, death, or the death of a father, mother, wife, kid, or ill person.

Manure in your house in dreams in Islam

Manure indicates money to those who consume it or gather it in their dreams in their home or farm.

Money in your house in dreams in Islam

In a dream, seeing oneself transporting piles of banknotes to his home indicates that money will be brought to his hand. Though banknotes are a gift and exactly what people need, they are also Satan’s missiles.

Moving into a new house in dreams in Islam

Moving into a new house indicates that he is entering a new chapter in his life, he is making significant adjustments to his way of living. Read more in islamic dream meaning of moving into a new house.

Old house in dreams according to Islam

Seeing an old house indicates that the dreamer is dealing with outdated ideas or reactions to dealing with new issues or obstacles; perhaps you are used to behaving in a certain manner when presented with a new circumstance in real life that need updated answers from you.

Read more in old house in dreams according to Islam.

Praying in the house in dreams in Islam

If he prays in his dream while in bed, it indicates that his wife is gossiping about the neighbours.

River inside your house in a dream in Islam

In a dream, a river running into one’s house represents wealth. If you see people drinking from it in your dream, it represents his generosity and sharing of his money with those in need, or it might signify that you are transferring information to others.

If a poor person dreams of a river running within his house, it denotes that he will force a member of his household out because of an abhorrent and evil behavior, such as adultery.

House renovation in a dream as per the Islam

As per Ibn Sirin, if one sees himself working for some people to renovate an old house in a dream, it means correcting the norms of conduct in that community or reviving old traditions.

Read more in house renovation in dreams.

Seeing a house with no roof in a dream in Islam

If a residence in a dream has no roof and one can see the sky, sun, or moon, it signifies the upcoming marriage of a female member of that family.

Swimming inside your house in a dream in Islam

If one sees himself swimming in his own home in a dream, it portends that he will work for a ruthless, evil, and unjust employer who will ensnare him through a business transaction. Therefore, God Almighty will assist him in escaping his entanglements.

Your house transformed into Mihrab or Mosque in dreams

In a dream, erecting a mihrab within one’s home denotes the birth of male offspring.

If one’s house turns into a masjid in a dream, it denotes that he will achieve piety, purity of heart, escetic detachment, and honour from his brethren. He would also exhort people to follow what is true and avoid what is untrue.

In a dream, a masjid might also symbolise a bazaar or marketplace.

Your house transformed into the Ka’aba in dreams

In a dream, if one sees his own house transformed into the Ka’aba, with people seeking it and throngs gathering at his door, it implies that he will be gifted with wisdom, receive knowledge, and act on it, and that people will learn at his hand and follow his example.

A banana Tree growing in your house

If a banana tree grows inside one’s house in a dream, it means that he
may beget a son.

Unknown house in dreams in Islam

For a muslim, dreaming that he is coming in an unknown house, it represents travel. Read more meaning in dream meaning of seeing an unknown house according to Islam.

Washing inside your house (ablution) in a dream

If you wash your clothes in your dream, it indicates you will be relocating.

Water running inside your house in dreams in Islam

If you have a dream about a stream running through your home, it indicates you will be fortunate and successful. Read also, house flooding in dreams.

White house in a dream according to Islam

If you had a dream about a white home, it means that your health is improving or that you are going through an positive emotional transition.

Read more in seeing a white house in dreams in Islam.

Type of house

Adobe House in dreams in Islam

Building a home with adobes in a dream is also a symbol of being a leader. A mound of adobes represents a large sum of money in a dream.

Glass House in dreams in Islam

Sitting on the roof of a glass home in a dream indicates that you will marry an attractive woman from a wealthy family, but she will die shortly after the ceremony.

Buying a brilliant glass ornament or a mother-of-pearl mansion in a dream indicates preferring the joys of this life above the everlasting bliss of the next, ignoring God’s laws, or becoming an apostate.

Iron house in a dream according to Islam

Solid iron made houses are a symbol of strength and vitality. If a person goes into an unknown home in a dream and witnesses dead people residing there, it indicates that person has passed on to the afterlife.

Marble House in a dream in Islam

If a poor person sees the floor of his house covered with marble in his dream, it signifies prosperity, marriage, the purchase of a business, the acquisition of knowledge, the learning of a poem, the birth of righteous children, or if he qualifies, a high ranking appointment, or that he may actually work with marble, or in sculpting marble, or in manufacturing fountains from marble, or as a stone cutter, or as a mason, or he may change his attitude toward things, signaling the end of depression and the start of a joyful time in his life, living in high rises, or spending money for leisure and vacations.

Mud House in a dream in Islam

If these structures are constructed of mud or clay, it will demonstrate how terrible things are for him. If you enter one of these houses in your dreams and then stroll out, it indicates you will become unwell and almost die before recovering.If someone marches out of a dream angry, it signifies he will be locked up.

Parts of the house in dreams in Islam

Attic in dreams in Islam

Discovering an attic window in a house that does not have one in a dream means the spread of one’s authority, or the success of one’s business.

Bedroom in dreams in Islam in Islam

In a dream, the appearance of an attic window in a house without one signifies the expansion of one’s influence or the success of one’s business.

The bedroom in a dream symbolises deceit or speaking gently out of fear of vengeance, revenge, or rejection. In a dream, a person’s chamber represents his interior emotions. Both the positive and negative aspects.

Seeing a new bedroom in one’s residence is symbolic of renewed expectations or confirmation of a positive purpose between the dreamer and his Lord.

A beautiful bedroom in dreams represents one’s positive qualities, whereas a drab dream bedroom represents one’s negative traits.

A chamber in a dream means safety, security, marriage, a newborn, or the lady of the house. Seeing a chamber from a distance means joy, satisfaction and happiness. To be inside a chamber with two or three compartments in a dream also means security.

Ceiling in dreams in Islam

A collapsed roof represents devastation in a fantasy.

If the centre pillar that holds the roof breaks and falls in a dream, it represents the owner’s demise. If the roof collapses in a dream, it represents the owner’s death.

In a dream, concealing under a roof represents the dreamer breaking into his house and stealing his family’s belongings. In a dream, water dripping from the roof represents the dreamer’s grief over a departed loved one or an ailing family member.

Rain dissolving the roof in a dream represents money loss and a fall from grace. Imprisonment is the dream meaning of standing on the roof of one’s house and being unable to descend. In a dream, the centre support beam of the roof symbolises a hypocrite who supports the profiteering alliance’s company.

If the centre beam breaks and descends in a dream, it means that the dreamer will be demoted. In a dream, if the roof falls over someone is head, he will also feel punishment and agony.

A dream in which one sees stars under one’s roof foretells of a potential ceiling fall.

Cistern or water tank in dreams in Islam

In a dream, seeing a house’s water cistern in the incorrect location indicates that the dreamer is being chased by a jinn or that his home is doomed.

If a person sees a well being used as a reservoir in his dream, it suggests that the residents are middle-class socioeconomically, or that the water in the house is saline or undrinkable.

Columns of the house in dream in Islam

In a dream, the base of a column in a mosque stands for religious people, while the base of a column in a house stands for chaste women. A woman dreams that she is bringing a cot into her house. This is a sign that she will get married.

If someone who is sick has a dream in which they see themselves sitting up in bed, it means that they will get better.

Dinning Table in dreams in Islam

In a dream, the dining table of one’s home symbolises his livelihood and sustenance, an important undertaking requiring the assistance of many people, or a wonderful person who is gracious, honest, and generous.

In a dream, sitting at such a table signifies joining the company of a famous individual. If the dining table in the dream is covered with spotless food and fresh bread, it signifies friendship and brotherhood.

Door of the house in dreams in Islam

A door represents the individual who maintains watch over the home in a dream. If you have a dream about an open entrance, it signifies you have a method to earn money.

If you look for a door in your dream and can not locate it, it indicates you can not determine what to do.

If someone attempts but fails to lock the door to their home in a dream, it indicates that they will abandon a difficult decision or cease attempting to do something that is impossible for them.

If someone dreams that their front entrance opens to the street, it indicates that the money they make will benefit others more than themselves.

When a door vanishes in a dream, it indicates that the family’s head has perished. When you pass through a small door into a large space, your troubles are over.

In a dream, if you see yourself exiting your home through the front entrance and into a large green garden, it indicates you are entering the worlds of the afterlife.

If you dream that your front door is on fire, it could indicate that your partner has perished or that you have neglected your house.

A house’s entrance represents the things that are secure behind it in a dream, such as property, personal secrets, and family.

If the door in a dream is solid, it indicates that one’s interior existence will be secure. Otherwise, anything visible through such a barrier would be a violation of private.

If you see a contractor working on a new entrance, it is a sign that you will be healthy and prosperous.

If a person dreams that he cannot correctly shut his door, it indicates that his wife is giving him problems. If you believe you are changing your door, it indicates you are relocating to a new house.

If you dream of entering your home and locking the door, it indicates you will be secure from harm.

Hallway of a house in dreams in Islam

A hallway in a dream may also represent a person’s tomb, as the grave is a passageway to either paradise or hell, or the steps of a sick or disabled person. Its lights, scale, and traversability in the dream are indicative of the outcome.

House Garden of a house in dreams in Islam

A home garden represents the protection of women’s innocence, the honour of men’s abstinence, the rejection of suspicion regarding the legality of one’s profits, and the preservation of women’s virginity in dreams.

A private garden in a dream may suggest miserliness or an unwillingness to satisfy the needs of someone who asks for help, whether those needs are financial or linked to learning.

In a dream, a home garden represents one’s inner devotion, fasting, austerity, piety, dread of transgression, worshipping God and exalting His sanctity.

A house garden in a dream might also signify a family marriage, insanity on the part of the house’s residents, the payment of a financial punishment, or an imposition. That’s right, if you hav ea dream in which you see grass is flourishing inside your home, it indicates that you will soon be engaged.

If one sees his garden covered with snakes in a dream, it means that its trees will bear fruits and exceed the normal crop.

Kitchen of a house in dreams in Islam

A kitchen in a dream as per Islam may represent a servant, menial labor, a cook, a greasy spoon restaurant, detritus, loss of status, loot taken by force from others, a craft, heat, desire, tampering with the elements, or interfering with people’s affairs.

When you see an oven in a house in your dream, it portends that you will find a solution to a problem or that you will prevail over your foes. In a dream, an oven that does not have an accumulation of ashes represents an unhappy marriage.

Jinn in the house in dreams as per Islam

Having a dream in which one sees Jinn working inside their home or entering their home indicates that burglars may break in and cause significant financial damage.

If a person has a dream in which the Jinn assault them in their home, then they will actually be victimised by criminals.

Read more in seeing a Jinn in the house according to the Islam.

Main door or entrance of your house in dreams in Islam

The entrance to a home is also a sign of the wife. If it is broken or burned in a dream, it represents problems for the individual who resides in that home. When someone approaches a home through the front entrance, it indicates that they have triumphed over all odds.

Raining in your house in a dream in Islam

If a person has a dream in which rain only falls on his house, it implies that he will be blessed in his actual life.

Otherwise, if he dreams that it falls over the entire town, he will be blessed. If it just rains on your house in your dream, it might imply that someone will become ill or experience severe suffering in that location.

Room in dreams in Islam

Building a room on the second floor in a dream means marrying a second wife.

Toilet in dreams in Islam

Destruction or blockage of a toilet is indicative of trouble for the people in that place, and of leaving or separating from a wife or slave woman, or loss of livelihood, because it is the place of relief.

Tree inside the house in dreams in Islam

Seeing an unknown tree inside one’s house in a dream means that fire may consume such a house, or that a fight may break the family apart.

In a dream, a tree that stands outside of one’s home is symbolic of one’s clan or the people who work for them. Within a home, a female tree is said to represent a lady, while a male tree is thought to represent a man.

It is a sign that a woman will outlive the guy she is married to if she experiences a dream in which the walls of her home fall on top of her.

Walls of the house in dreams in Islam

In a dream, seeing the walls of one’s home collapse due to a flood represents the loss of one’s wife.

In a dream, if one sees his home collapsing in on him and creating a large cloud of dust, it indicates that he may have measles.

Window of the house in dreams in Islam

In a dream, the windows of a house represent an interloper who is privy to the home’s innermost secrets. A window in a dream is also symbolic of overcoming obstacles, resuming celebrations, and remembering significant events. Depending on their position in the dream, windows can also represent women, infants, or news. The presence of a stain or colour on one’s window signifies seed dispersal, flowering, conception, birth, the expansion of one’s knowledge, the purchase of new apparel, or the coronation of someone.

Animals in your house in dreams in Islam

Seeing ants in your house in

If you dream that arms leave your house, it means that a family member will be moving out. When a sick person is in the house and someone has a dream about flying bugs, it means that person is going to die soon.

If you think that ants are bringing food into your house, it is a good sign that your family’s finances are doing well. People know that ants work hard. If you think that ants are taking food from your house, it means that you are about to get hungry.

Seeing a bat inside your house

If a bat flies into a house in a dream, it means the house will fall apart or the family will break up.

Seeing birds in dreams in your house

In a dream, if a bird dives to the ground to pick up a rock, a piece of paper, or a worm, and then flies away from a sick person’s house, it means that the sick person will die soon from his sickness.

Angels are there if a person dreams that birds are flying inside his home or store.

Seeing a cow entering your house

If a cow enters one’s home and presses or bumps against them, it indicates that they will lose money and lose faith in their own family.

If a person thinks of riding a black cow or tying a black cow to a pole, it indicates that he will receive money, do well in business, and will no longer feel melancholy, lonely, or disturbed.

If you dream that you are carrying a calf into your house, it means that you are sad and upset.

If you see a she-camel depart your home in your dream, it indicates you will divorce or loose your wife.

Seeing chicken in your house in dreams

A chicken or a female peacock hooting inside one’s home or yard in a dream represents a disaster that is confronted with a belligerent character.

In a dream, seeing one’s home populated with a large number of chickens represents prosperity or ruling over others, or it could indicate dispelling one’s dread and establishing one’s rank.

Seeing a crow in your house in dreams

Dreaming of a crow perched on the roof of one’s home indicates that his wife is having an affair with one of his acquaintances.

Observing a crow descend upon a noble home indicates that a corrupt individual will wed a noble woman from that home.

Seeing a deer in your house in dreams

Bringing a deer into one’s house represents one’s son’s quest for a wife.

Seeing a dog in your house in dreams

In a dream, seeing an ailing house canine represents disease, money loss, loss of appetite, or loss of the pleasure of life.

Seeing a donkey in your house in dreams

In a dream, driving a donkey into one’s house represents the arrival of additional money.

Seeing a lion in your house in dreams

If one dreams of lions jumping at his entrance, his wife will be followed by unscrupulous people.

On the other hand, seeing a lion within one’s own home in dreams represents gaining the upper hand, or it might signify longevity and a high position in the world.

Mouse in your house in dreams

In a dream, seeing a huge family of mice within one’s house might signify a gathering of ladies or throwing a party in one’s home.

If a mouse departs one’s house in a dream, it denotes that blessings will leave and wages will decrease. In a dream, having a pet mouse indicates having a servant or a housekeeper.

Pigeons inside your house in dreams

For an unwed person, seeing a pigeon inside his house in a dream means marriage.

Pigs inside your house in dreams

Seeing piglets enter one’s home in a dream signifies an official investigation into one’s private life. If one sees himself in a dream expelling small piglets from his home, it signifies that he will quit his government job.

Rats in your house in a dream

Seeing rats in one’s house in a dream foretells of emigration from one land to another. If the dreamer has a home, it indicates that he will sell it. Rats in one’s house in a dream may signify burglars against whom one must secure his home, or the betrayal of a close relationship.

Snake in your house in a dream

Dreaming of snakes in the home is a warning that you and your spouse, siblings, or other family members will have a difficult time getting along.

A snake leaving one’s house in a dream means its destruction or demolition.

In a dream, the appearance of a snake in or around the dreamer’s home is a caution that the dreamer’s adversaries are plotting an . . .

Sheep inside the house in dreams in Islam

Seeing a herd of sheep in a dream means continuous happiness.

Tomcat in your house in a dream

When one dreams of a tomcat breaking into their residence, this represents a criminal. In the dream, the burglar will get away with whatever it is that a tomcat snatches from the dreamer’s residence.

If in a dream a person witnesses a tomcat calmly reclining and unwinding at home, it is a portent of a year filled with contentment, tranquility, and financial success.

Tiger in your house in a dream

A tiger inside one’s house in a dream represents an insolent person who attacks one’s family.

Seeing vultures in your house in a dream

If a sick person sees a vulture inside his house in a dream, it means the approach of his death

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