Dream meanings based on islamic tradition

Seeing yourself praying in a dream : Islamic meaning

~January 18, 2024~

Seeing youself performing prayers given to you by God in a dream means keeping a promise, finding employment for an unemployed person, or reconciling with a friend or acquaintance with whom you have not spoken in a long time.

Seeing yourself in a dream reciting one of the five obligatory prayers on time, and correctly stand, kneel, and prostrate in direction of the Ka’aba and recite one of the five prescribed prayers on time in a dream, it indicates that you will do a religious obligation or travel to Mecca on the yearly pilgrimage.

If you recite your daily petitions in your dreams, it signifies that you have honoured a commitment, attained a goal, or found serenity and comfort after experiencing unhappiness.

The similar reasoning is offered for Taraw’ih prayers, which are performed in groups at night during Ramadan. Seeing something in a dream suggests taking care of your family’s needs and providing them with peace of mind.

Having recurrent dreams of praying means that the dreamer will avoid doing something wrong or that he will quit doing terrible things.

If you see yourself completing your obligatory prayers (Fardh) in a dream, it is a portent that you will be promoted to a higher position, make spiritual progress, be a leader, be in charge of other people, send a message, do your work, pay your dues, give over a trust, or complete one of the many other tasks that you need to complete in order to be at peace.

May Allah bless us all with success, health, happiness, patience and strength. May Allah bless you with victory in this life and eternal life too. Amen!

Seeing yourself praying namaz in dream as per Islam

If you see yourself completing your obligatory prayers (Fardh) in a dream, it foretells that you will advance professionally, experience spiritual growth, assume leadership roles, manage others, send messages, complete your tasks, pay your dues, forfeit a trust, or take other actions necessary to attain inner peace.

Seeing yourself praying salah wrong in dreams in Islam

If you had a dream in which you were performing the salah incorrectly, it is a sign that you are becoming conscious of the fact that you are not acting in the appropriate manner in your relationships with God the Almighty, the members of your family, or your wife or partner.

Read more in praying salah incorrectly in dreams.

Entering a mosque to pray in dreams in Islam

If a person dreams that he walks into a masjid and finds the doors closed, but someone opens the door for him, it means that he will help someone pay back a loan and then brag about how great he is. In a dream, riding an animal into a mosque means that the dreamer is cutting ties with his family, leaving them behind, and telling them not to follow him.

Read the full content of this dream’s meanings of entering a mosque according to Islam.

Praying in front of Kaaba in dreams in Islam

Praying in front of the Kaaba could also signify that the believer will have a change of heart and cease doing something incorrect, or that he will refrain from doing something evil.

If you dream that you say one of the five obligatory prayers on time, cleanse your hands and feet properly, and stand, bow, and prostrate in front of the Kaaba (Ka’aba) in the proper manner, it indicates that you will perform a religious obligation or make the annual pilgrimage to Mecca.

Read dream meaning o praying in front of Kaaba.

Praying in a garden in your dream according to Islam

In a dream, if one sees himself praying in a garden, it signifies that he is pleading for God’s forgiveness.

In a dream, to see oneself praying in a farmland portends the repayment of one’s obligations.

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Praying in Mecca in dreams according to Islam

In a dream, entering the holy Mosque in Mecca and praying on the roof of the holy Ka’aba symbolises peace, tranquilly, and preeminence over others; it also indicates that the dreamer will be victorious wherever he goes, albeit with questionable conduct; he may also follow innovation and depart from the teachings of God’s Messenger, upon whom be peace.

Praying in masjid al-haram in dreams Islam

For a Muslim, to dream of being at the Masjid Al-Haram, the holy mosque in Mecca, and praying on the roof of the holy Ka’aba symbolises peace, tranquilly, and preeminence over others.

It also signifies that the dreamer will be victorious wherever he goes, albeit with questionable behaviour. He may also follow innovation and depart from the traditions and teachings of God’s Messenger, upon whom be peace.

Read more in dream of praying in masjid al haram.

Performing (Sunnah) supplementary prayers in dreams

In a dream, doing supplemental prayers (Sunnah) in the manner of the guiding example of God’s messenger, upon whom be peace, implies helping one’s community with sincerity, purity, and excellent attributes. This is in accordance with the teachings of the Quran and the Sunnah.

If a person has a dream in which they see themselves saying extra supererogatory prayers, it is a sign that they are concerned about the success of their life beyond death and that they will enjoy the reward of their devotion both in this world and in the life after death.

Hearing the call to prayer in another language in dreams

Hearing the call to prayer in a language other than Arabic in a dream represents duplicity and backbiting.

Hearing the call for prayers in a dream : islamic meaning.

Prayers in dreams Islamic meaning

Paying respects at the conclusion of one’s prayers in a dream signifies following one’s path, adhering to proper traditions, completing one’s job, resigning from one’s job, appointment, dismissal, travels, and gains.

In a dream, if a person concludes his petitions by greeting from the left and then moving to the right, it signifies that he is on a path of evil and innovation.

In a dream, if a person concludes his prayers without the customary pleasantries, it signifies that he is more concerned with maximising his profit than protecting his capital investment.

If one prays with an intonation in a dream, it signifies that he will be plagued by difficulties and ridiculed by others.

Finishing the prayers in dreams

If one ends his prayers beginning his greetings from the left, then proceeding to the right in a dream, it means that he pursues the road of evildoing and innovation.

If one ends his prayers without the traditional greetings in a dream, it means that he is more interested in collecting his profit, than in protecting his capital investment.

Seeing someone praying in dreams according to Islam

Seeing someone pray namaz in a dream signifies that you are becoming convinced that the people around you are not fulfilling their religious responsibilities correctly. You see that they are not behaving according to the teaching of the Islam.

Read more in someone praying in dreams as per Islam.

Doing wudu in dreams in Islam

Read full content in performing wudu in dreams- according to the muslim tradition.

Mehr lesen: gebet im traum Islam
Weitere Informationen : beten in moschee traumdeutung Islam

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2 dreams on “Seeing yourself praying in a dream : Islamic meaning”

  1. I was sleeping in my dream. Then I woke up and it was time for Fajr Prayer. I went to the bathroom and performed Wuzu. Then I was praying and then my dream was finished.

  2. I dreamt that I went to a mosque with the intention TO PRAY and ASK GOD FOR HELP, saw an imam and asked him for guidance on what I should do. After my question, he immediately changed appearance and shifted into doing random non-muslim acts, I ran out of fear of it affecting me.
    The dream ended with me starting to also laugh as if possessed and me feeling wicked.
    What would be the meaning of my dream?

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