~May 15, 2023~

A mosque in a dream can also represent an individual who should be obeyed, revered, and adored, such as a father, teacher, shaikh, or wise man. It also states that justice must be served if someone who desires to attend a mosque is treated unjustly.
A masjid or mosque in a dream represents a scholar, and its gates represent men of wisdom and the guardians, or attendants, of God’s House.
Seeing oneself in a new masjid in a dream signifies that one will visit God’s House in Mecca the same year, or that one will join religious groups to learn about one’s beliefs.
A packed masjid in a dream represents a gnostic, a man of knowledge and wisdom, or a preacher who invites people to his house, advises them, gathers their hearts, teaches them their religion’s precepts, and explains the philosophy behind heavenly discoveries.
A masjid in a dream signifies following in the footsteps of God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, fostering family unity, or, if qualified, becoming a judge.
In a dream, a mosque is comparable to the central marketplace where people attempt to make money every day. It is a place where individuals receive what they deserve based on their actions and efforts.
Read the following interpreations sorted out in alphabetic order:
Abandoned mosque (masjid) in dreams as per Islam
If you dream of an abandoned mosque or masjid, it indicates that you disregard the value of gnostics and religious instructors or that you do not believe it is essential to do good and avoid evil.
A deserted masjid in a dream is also symbolic of ascetics who have given up on the world and its inhabitants and care little for their possessions.
Building a mosque in dreams as per Islam
In a dream, constructing a masjid also signifies getting married or having a child who will grow up to be a virtuous and intelligent scholar, or if one is poor, he will become wealthy. The alternative interpretation is that one will serve God’s House by filling it with invocations and supplications, serving the community’s interests, guiding the people to unity and love, and teaching them the significance of obeying God’s commands.
Constructing a masjid in a dream may also represent becoming a real estate agent, repenting of one’s transgressions, obtaining guidance on God’s path, or dying as a martyr; thus, what one constructs in a dream for God Almighty represents his heavenly abode. This interpretation applies if a masjid is constructed using proper methods, lawfully obtained funds, and appropriate materials. Alternately, if it is constructed with illicit funds or materials, the direction of the prayer niche is altered, etc., the dream will have the opposite significance.
If a ruler dreams of constructing a residence for God Almighty or a masjid, it indicates that he will be a just ruler who governs his subjects in accordance with divine law.
If a religious scholar dreams of constructing a masjid, it signifies that he will write a book that will aid others, or provide a commentary on a complex theological subject, or if he is wealthy, he will pay the alms tax owed on his possessions.
If a person dreams of building a masjid or a fellowship house, it signifies that he will pursue the path of knowledge and wisdom, or that he will go on a pilgrimage in the same year, or that he will establish a permanent business, such as a hotel, a bathhouse, a shop, etc. In a dream, constructing the roof of a mosque represents care for orphans and assistance for destitute children.
In a dream, constructing a masjid also signifies victory over an adversary.
In a dream, the expansion of a masjid signifies an increase in one’s virtuous deeds, repentance for a transgression, adoption of good behaviour, or justice.
Call to prayer in a mosque in dreams
The call to prayer (Muezzin) represents the judge or gnostic from that town or country who summons people to the right path and whose call the believer hears.
You may want to read calling to prayers in dreams– according to Islam.
Carpet of a mosque in a dream in Islam
If the carpet or straw mat of a mosque in a dream becomes tattered, the community of that mosque is divided and corrupt.
Crowded mosque in dreams in Islam
In a dream, a crowded masjid signifies a gnostic, a man of knowledge and wisdom, or a preacher who calls people to his home, advises them, gathers their hearts, teaches them the principles of their faith, and explains the philosophy behind heavenly discoveries.
Destroyed mosque in a dream in Islam
In a dream, a masjid being demolished signifies the death of a gnostic, or religious scholar and ardent believer, in that area. If the roof of a masjid collapses in a dream, it foretells of a horrible act.
Dying inside a mosque in dreams in Islam
If a person dies in a masjid in a dream, it signifies that he will pass away as a sincere penitent.
Doors of a mosque in dreams in islam
In a dream, the mosque’s doors represent the trustees and guards who safeguard people from outside threats.
If a person arrives at a masjid and finds its doors locked, then a dream in which someone unlocks the door for him signifies that he will assist someone in repaying a debt and then extol his superior qualities in public.
Entering a mosque in dreams according to Islam
In a dream, entering a masjid with a group of people and having them construct a little hole for him within the masjid denotes that he will be married.
In a dream, if one must climb a stairway to reach the masjid, the masjid represents a frugal person who does not want to share.
In a dream, descending a staircase to reach a mosque signifies that one’s desires will be fulfilled. In a dream, the relocation of a masjid from the city to a rural town signifies stagnation in one’s business, exclusion from one’s community, or inheritance-related legal issues.
Read >> entering a mosque in dreams
In a dream, entering the Sacred Mosque in Mecca signifies moving into a new home with one’s spouse, fulfilling a promise, overcoming one’s fears, and reaching the shore of safety.
Read full content for this dream in entering a masjid according to the Islam.
Entering in the Holy Mosque in Mecca
Entering the holy Mosque in Mecca and praying on the roof of the holy Ka’aba represents peace, tranquillity, and presiding over others; it also represents that one will become victorious wherever one goes, though with questionable behaviour; he may also follow innovation and depart from the traditions and teachings of God’s Messenger, upon whom be peace.
Read dream meaning of praying in front of Kaaba according to Islam.
Entering a masjid with an animal in dreams
In a dream, entering a mosque astride an animal represents the dreamer severing links with his relatives, abandoning them, and forbidding them from following him.
Mosque on fire in dreams according to Islam
In a dream, a burning mosque indicates death, loss, and political changes in the country.
Seeing oneself in a dream praying to God Almighty or hearing someone else pray on his behalf is indicative of delight and wealth.
Prayers offered at God’s residence or a mosque are more beneficial than prayers offered elsewhere.
Grass inside a Mosque in dreams in Islam
A wedding is prophesied if one dreams about grass blossoming within a mosque.
Grave inside a Mosque in dreams according to Islam
In one’s dream, if he visits a masjid with a group and they excavate a small grave for him within the masjid, he will marry.
Main city masjid in dreams in Islam
In a dream, the principal mosque or the central mosque represents the monarch, the administrator, or the head of a Muslim nation. This is because he is in charge of establishing the divine laws, represents Islam, and is the ultimate arbiter of what is lawful and what is not.
In a dream, the main city mosque symbolises the Quranic revelation, the ocean of knowledge, a place of purification and sin-washing, the graveyard where submissiveness and contemplation are evoked, the washing and wrapping of the dead, medicine, silence, focusing one’s intention, and facing the qiblah at the Ka’aba in Mecca.
Seeing the main mosque of a city in a dream is also an indication that you will realise and act upon something positive. It could also be viewed as a site of refuge from one’s enemies, sanctuary for those who believe in God, and serenity.
The main mosque in town also shows the town’s faithful residents as men of wisdom, wise men, commitment, or a hermitage. Its niche shows the leader of the people (Imam).
If the primary mosque in the dream represents the nation’s commander, then each of its legs represents time. Its lights represent his regal court and the sages of his era.
Mosque sections in a dream in Islam
If any of these following elements are seen in a dream or in whatever state they are in, they represent the current state of the people, which is what the central mosque represents in one’s dream.
Praying in a mosque in dreams Islam
In a dream, praying at a mosque or masjid represents following in the footsteps of God’s Prophet, peace be upon him, encouraging family togetherness, or, if eligible, becoming a judge.
Read full content for this dream in praying in a mosque, meanings according to Islam.
Praying in masjid al-haram in dreams in Islam
For a Muslim, dreaming of being at the Masjid Al-Haram, the holy mosque in Mecca, and praying on the roof of the holy Ka’aba is a sign of peace, calmness, and being better than others.
It also signifies that the dreamer will be victorious wherever he goes, albeit with questionable behaviour. He may also follow innovation and depart from the traditions and teachings of God’s Messenger, upon whom be peace.
Read full content for this dream in Praying in masjid al-haram according to Islam.
Holy sites in a dream in Islam
Visiting holy sites in a dream means seeking knowledge and wisdom, having love for charitable people, associating with good people, seeking to learn one’s religion at the hand of a pious teacher, to receive blessings
and benefits in this life and in the next.
In a dream, the Aqsa mosque may represent Jerusalem, the Sacred mosque may represent Mecca, the Prophet’s Mosque (uwbp) may represent Medina, the Omayyad mosque may represent Damascus, the Al-Azhar mosque may represent Cairo, the Blue mosque may represent Istanbul, and so on.
Prophet’s Sacred Mosque in Medina in dreams
Visiting the Prophet’s Mosque in Medina in a dream means seeking God’s nearness and his pleasure through good deeds.
It also means feeling safe, mixing with people of knowledge, associating with people of religious ranks, joining the company of knowledge seekers, and developing sincere love for the family of God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, serving and loving those who love his progeny.
Visiting the Prophet’s Mosque in a dream also means love, knowledge and guidance.
Standing at the door of the Sacred Mosque in Medina or in front of the Blessed Chamber of the Prophet of God, peace be upon him, in a dream signifies repentance and acceptance for a sin.
Al-Aqsa Sacred Mosque in Jerusalem in dreams
In a dream, visiting Al-Aqsa Sacred Mosque in Jerusalem represents blessings, understanding the inner meaning of important spiritual topics and miraculous events, or contemplating the Nocturnal Journey of God’s Messenger (uwbp), the night when the eight heavens were adorned to receive and honour him when he was summoned to come before God Almighty.
Prophet Abraham’s grave in dreams in Islam
Visiting God’s Prophet Abraham’s grave in a dream represents obedience to one’s parents, being true to them, and pursuing their love, blessings, and delight with one’s words and actions.
Station of Abraham in dreams in Islam
A dreamer who stands at the Station of Abraham at the Sacred Mosque in Mecca and offers his prayers in a dream is a pious person who observes the divine laws and who may be invited to perform a pilgrimage.
If a terrified person sees himself entering inside the Station of Abraham in a dream, it means that all his fears will be dispelled and that he will reach the abode of safety.
Entering the station of God’s prophet Abraham, upon whom be peace, in a dream also means receiving honors, seeking knowledge, or receiving an inheritance from one’s father or mother.
House turned into a mosque in dreams in Islam
If a person’s home transforms into a mosque in a dream, it signifies that he will attain piety, purity of heart, eschatological detachment, and respect from his peers. He would also urge people to pursue the truth and avoid falsehood.
A mosque turned into a bathhouse in dreams
The transformation of a masjid into a bathhouse in a dream indicates that a virtuous person will become corrupt or negligent.
A known mosque in dreams in Islam
In a dream, a well-known mosque represents the city in which it is constructed.
In a dream, a well-known mosque may also represent the renowned experts who reside there, the country’s leader or one of his ministers. If a person has a dream in which he enters a mosque and bows to God Almighty as soon as he passes through the main entrance, it signifies that he will have the opportunity to repent for his crimes.
Mihrab in a dream in Islam
If you pray at the mihrab in a dream, you will soon receive auspicious tidings. If a woman has a dream in which she is praying at the mihrab of a mosque, she will give birth to a boy or a girl.
If you believe you are constructing a mihrab in your home, you will have sons. If not, it indicates that the proprietor will donate the property to the church.
Minaret of a mosque in dreams in Islam
In a dream, the minaret of a mosque represents a devout person who promotes harmony and love among people, urges them to uphold their religious vows, and guides them along the path of God Almighty.
In a dream, a minaret of a mosque may represent either the muezzin or the prime minister of the governing family.
In a dream, the minaret of the city’s primary mosque is a messenger or a guide directing people towards God.
Ascending a wooden minaret and calling people to prayer in a dream symbolises acquiring power and advancing in status through hypocrisy. In a dream, reclining alone atop a minaret and extolling God’s majesty and oneness signifies fame, whereas loud glorifications represent God’s release from one’s anguish and suffering.
When a minaret is destroyed in a dream, it signifies the death of a spiritual leader, the obliteration of his name, the dispersal of his followers, and perhaps even an improvement in their circumstances.
When a person already has a devout wife with whom he cherishes peace and tranquilly, falling from the summit of a minaret into a well in a dream signifies that he or she will marry a strong-minded woman who uses foul language. Loss of authority or influence is another consequence.
The dreamer will eventually become a sincere believer, confess his sins, and give up his bad conduct if he or she sees themselves strolling down a staircase that leads to a mosque or body of water in order to perform their prayers.
New mosque in dreams according to Islam
Seeing oneself in a new masjid in a dream signifies that one will visit God’s House in Mecca the same year, or that one will join religious groups to learn about one’s beliefs.
Prayer area of mosque in dreams in Islam
In a dream, if the prayer area of a mosque is facing the incorrect direction, if it smells bad, or if a deceased animal is resting within it, the dreamer is an unbeliever, a leader, and a liar.
Dreaming of an incorrectly placed prayer area in a mosque signifies straying from God’s path and making errors in your speech. A mihrab can also represent legal food or a nice companion in a dream.
In a dream, the alcoves or shelters that the impoverished use as a refuge within a mosque symbolise veracity, love, devotion, remembering God Almighty, standing during night prayers, and being distant.
The prophet in a mosque in dreams in Islam
If a visitor to a mosque has a dream in which he sees himself approaching God’s Prophet (pbuh) and discovers him standing, it signifies that he will have paramount authority over the Imam of his era and reveals his true religious status.
In a dream, the uwbp’s presence at his own mosque, another mosque, or his usual location signifies achievement and honour.
Retreat to pray in mosque in dreams in Islam
In a dream, the location where a person attends a spiritual retreat represents their inclination. If you dream that your retreat is inside a mosque, it signifies blessings or a potential union with a religious woman.
Roof of the Mosque in dreams in islam
The roof of the mosque depicts a king’s close and vigilant group of subjects. Its extended limb represents influential individuals. Its lighting reveal its wealth and beauty. Its prayer mats represent the king’s justice and the counsel of his advisors. The openings on the structure house the guardians. Its minaret represents the vice-regent, who is the official house speaker or announcing officer.
The roof represents the information in the books that safeguard his justice and references. The tower will then represent his chief minister or subordinate. The platform accommodates his labourer. The supplication location could be a photograph of his wife, his legal income, or a virtuous and chaste wife.
Seeing youself in a mosque in dreams in Islam
Seeing yourself in a dream reciting one of the five obligatory prayers on time, and correctly stand, kneel, and prostrate in direction of the Ka’aba and recite one of the five prescribed prayers on time in a dream, it indicates that you will do a religious obligation or travel to Mecca on the yearly pilgrimage.
Read full content in dream meaning of yourself praying according to the Islamic tradition.
Seeing a non muslim inside a mosque in a dream in Islam
If you see a stranger praying at a masjid in your dream, it means that the Imam of that masjid will die from a terminal illness.
Seeing an apple in a masjid in dreams
If you scent an apple in a mosque, it is a sign that you will soon be wed. In a dream, inhaling an apple inside a mosque is symbolic of engagement.
Someone praying in a mosque in dreams in Islam
If you have a dream in which you see an unknown person worshipping in a masjid, it is a portent that the Imam of that mosque is suffering from an incurable disease and will soon pass away.
In a dream, if a person sees himself going down a staircase that leads to a mosque, or a pond to take a ritual ablution before praying, it means that person will become a true believer, repent for his sins, and stop doing bad things.
Read full contenty in seeing someone praying in dreams according to Islam.
Store turned into a masjid in dreams in islam
If one’s store transforms into a masjid in a dream, or if the masjid transforms into a store, it represents lawful earnings, or a combination of lawful and illegal earnings.