~January 31, 2024~

Dreaming about dead people has very different meanings in the Islamic tradition. Depending of the details present in the dream, it could announce for the dreamer richess and long life, however, the dream could also be revealing worries about illness or material loss.
The following meanings are collected from the book of dreams written by Ibn Sirin, one of the greatest muslim dream intepreters ever, who combined his large knowledge, wisdom and insight to become a leader in this field.
See more than 50 interpretations posted in alphabetic order.
Being called by a dead person in a dream in Islam
Being called by a dead person you knew (for example, a deceased grandparent) in a dream means you were thinking about this person in real life. Perhaps someone or something has brought you some emotional recollections of that departed loved one.
Read more in dead person calling you in dreams.
Bury a deceased person in dreams in Islam
Burying a deceased individual twice denotes that the dreamer is trying to hide his shortcomings.
Read more in burying someone in dreams in Islam.
Cemetery in dreams in Islam
As per Ibn Sirin, cemetery or a graveyard in a dream means appeasement and comfort for a terrified person, and dismay to a comfortable and a relaxed person.
A cemetery represents the hereafter, because it is its vehicle.
In a dream, a graveyard can also indicate isolation, dedication, abstention, asceticism, or warning. It also symbolizes the jail of the body. May Allah be with you when things are quite difficult.
Carrying a dead person in dreams in Islam
Carrying a dead person in a dream is equivalent to transporting the goods and food of an atheist or other ungodly individual.
Taking money illegally is the meaning for a dream of carrying a dead person in a different manner than one would carry a dead person to bury him.
Carrying a dead individual to bury him in a dream implies laboring for the governor.
Transporting dead people to the cemetery in a dream means that one is doing something right. If he transports them to the marketplace in a dream, it means that he needs something, or that his merchandise will be sold quickly.
If one sees himself carrying a dead person on his back in a dream, it means that he takes care of orphans.
See the rest of the content in carrying a dead body in dreams according to the teachings of Islam.
Seeing a coffin in dreams as per Islam
Seeing oneself being on top a coffin in a dream means that his name will be included in a will or that he will be engaged in a conflict over a bequest that will end in his advantage.
Take a look at coffin dreams meanings.
Seeing a dead person crying in a dream according to Islam
Seeing a dead person weeping in a dream means you are worried about not being able to fulfill your religious duties towards your loved ones who have already deceased.
Read the full content for this dream in seeing a dead person crying in dreams in Islam.
Crying at seeing a dead person in a dream in Islam
If in the dream you cry for someone‘s death it could have differente meanings. If the individual dead in the dream has passed away in real life, it is quite possible that you think about them and mourn them a lot.
Read the full content in crying at seeing someone’s death in dreams in Islam.
Dead family member in dreams in Islam
Dead brother dies again in a dream in Islam
If a sick person sees his brother die in a dream, it means his own death. Otherwise, it could mean someone in his family. If one is poor in the dream, it means that may lose one of his eyes.
See full content in seeing dead brother in dreams.
Dead father is alive again in a dream in Islam
Seeing your dead father in a dream reveals your current feelings and memories towards your father. Which opens a series of interpretations depending on the elements present in your dream, as well as your reaction.
Read full content in deceased father in dreams in Islam.
Read >> Dead mother in dreams
Dead husband in dreams in Islam
Having a dream in which a dead husband appears to the dreamer suggests that she must honour his memory and fulfil her religious duties that she had towards him.
Dreaming of your deceased husband indicates that you mourn him greatly and require his companionship and moral support every day.
Dead grandparents in dreams in Islam
If your dream of your dead grandparents in a dream is a reminder of the temporal nature of this worldly life and the inevitability of death. Islam teaches that death is a reality that all individuals must face. Such dreams can inspire the dreamer to reflect on his own mortality and use his time wisely in this world, striving to improve his relationship with Allah and his fellow men.
See more in seeing dead grandparents in dreams.
Dead parents are alive again in dreams in Islam
If one’s deceased father or mother appears in a dream, it signifies relief from distress and the elimination of one’s anxieties. This is especially true when a deceased mother appears in the dream.
A person’s anguish and worries will be alleviated if the dreamer’s see his deceased parents return back to life in a dream. When one’s dead mother appears in the dream, this is especially potent.
Dead parents dies again in a dream in Islam
The death of one’s parents in a dream means tightening of his financial means.
Dead mother dies again in a dream in Islam
If one dreams of his mother passing away, it is a sign that he will loose his ease and material accomplishments and may also become careless.
Read more in seeing a deceased mother in a dream.
Dead son dies in a dream in Islam
The death of one’s son in a dream means the obscurity of one’s name after his death.
As per Ibn Rasheed Al Bakri, if someone dreams that his son died, he will be relieved of his enemy. If he dreams that his daughter died, he will despair of relief.
Dead wife is alive again in dreams in Islam
If one’s wife dies and returns back to life in a dream, it means making profits from a plantation or a farm.
Read more meaning in dead wife in dream for a muslim.
Dead wife dies again in dreams in Islam
If one’s wife dies in a dream, it means bankruptcy and loss of one’s source of livelihood.
The death of one’s wife in a dream means the end of a prosperous life.
If someone dreams that his wife died, he will become independent of means by his wealth, and his status may be lowered, because of the wife’s concealment.
See more in dead partner in dreams in Islam.
Recommended Dreams
Dead person is alive again in a dream in Islam
If a dreamer sees a deceased individual coming back to life, it either indicates that they will find something they had lost or, if they are presently having trouble, that their position will get better.
If a deceased individual comes back to life in a dream, it also means that his progeny will benefit from something he left.
See full content in dead person is alive again in dreams.
Dead person is asking for food in a dream in Islam
In a dream, a deceased individual requesting for food signifies that you believe they should be recalled by you and your family. It is necessary to offer more prayers and take other acts in their praise.
As per Ibn Sirin, one of the most famous muslim dream interpreters, if the food the dead personas was asking for was greasy in the dream, it means that one’s problem is a lasting one.
Read more in deceased person was asking for food in dreams.
Dead person is asking for something in a dream in Islam
Dreaming that known deceased person was asking you for something means that you feel worried or guilty for something you couldn’t do for that person in real life.
Read more meanings in dream of snake asking for something.
Dead person beating the dreamer in Islam
If a deceased person beats the person seeing the dream, it means that one has displeased his Lord and has committed an abominable act from which he should repent, for in the abode of truth, a deceased person accepts only what pleases God Almighty and dislikes what He dislikes.
Dead person inside a coffin in a dream in Islam
Seeing a body or someone mummified and confined in a tomb in a dream represents getting money that is not yours.
If the coffin in the dream is vacant, it represents a place of evil or a wicked person who is being sought after by people who work in the same field.
See more in coffin in dreams : islamic meanings.
Dead people coming out of their graves in dreams in Islam
In dreams, if one witnesses the inhabitants of graveyards emerging from their graves to consume people’s produce or food supplies, it portends an increase in food costs. In his dreams, if he sees them imbibing from the wells, it announces that the community will experience a severe epidemic.
If one sees dead people coming out of their graves and going to their houses in a dream, it means a mass release of prisoners during a general amnesty.
Dead person complaining in a dream in Islam
When a dead person experiences a migraine in a dream, that is a sign that he is being questioned about his lack of religious observance, his treatment of others unfairly, or his abhorrent behavior toward his parents.
If the dead complaints about his eyes in a dream, it indicates that he is being questioned regarding what he owes to his wife, her dower, or a will or trust he misused. He is being questioned about the rights of his sibling, sister, son, or business associate, or about a fraudulent pledge he took, if he worries about his left arm.
If the deceased person complains about his side in a dream, it means that he is being questioned about cutting off his relations or clan or failing to fulfil his obligations toward his household.
If he complains about his legs in a dream, it means that he is being questioned about wasting his life in corruption and falsehood.
If someone worries about their feet in a dream, it indicates that he is being interrogated about money he spent on lies and the careless route he took.
Dead person drawning in a dream in Islam
If one sees a deceased person submerging in a dream, it is a sign of heinous crimes.
Dead person dying again in a dream in Islam
If a person dreams of a deceased person attending his own funeral, it signifies that one of his offspring or a member of his family will soon pass away. If there are no tears or anguish following his demise, then one of his descendants will marry.
Read more meanings in deceased person dying again in dreams.
Dead person eating in a dream in Islam
If a deceased person eats something in a dream, it means that such a commodity will become expensive.
Dead person getting beaten up in a dream in Islam
If a living person triumphs over a dead person who is willingly taking his fate in a dream, it represents the living person’s moral strength, religious piety, honor, compassion, petitions, and commitment. It may also means that the living person is carrying out the wishes of the deceased.
Dead person giving clothing in dreams in Islam
A per Ibn Sirin, if a deceased person gives the dreamer his own shroud to wear, it means his death.
Receiving a cloak or an embellished shirt from a deceased person in a dream represents acquiring any knowledge, wealth, advantages, or status the deceased person gathered during his life. The cape stands for reverence and dignity, while the blouse is a representation of life.
Dead person giving something in dreams in Islam
Anything one receives from a deceased person in a dream means good news and a blessed gift in general.
Dead person giving food or drink in dreams in Islam
The unanticipated receipt of monetary compensation is symbolized in a dream by the presence of a deceased person who offers the dreamer sustenance to eat.
Dead person giving honey in dreams in Islam
If a deceased person gives honey to the dreamer, it represents securing treasure.
He will get a bounty if the deceased person gives him honey in the dream.
Dead person greeting in a dream in Islam
If you dream that a dead person greeted him, it is indicative that you feel you will gain good status before Allah (Ibn Raashed Al Bakri).
Dead person is happy in a dream in Islam
If the dead individual looks beautiful, happy and well dressed in the dream, it means that such happiness will become the inheritance of his descendants.
If one sees a deceased person sprightly, pleasant and casual in a dream, it means that one’s dream is mere hallucination, or that he is experiencing disturbed dreams, for dead people do not joke and have their own duties to respond to.
Ibn Raasheed Al Bakri asserts that since the afterlife is the world of truth, if the visionary observes the dead person grinning, it indicates that he is doing well in Allah’s sight.
Read more meanings about this dream in seeing a deceased person happy.
Dead person in the house in a dream in Islam
Seeing a deceased person at their home indicates that the dreamer misses them and that there is a need to return to “normal life” as it was when the deceased person was living.
If you are interested in this dream, learn more in dream meaning of house according to Islam.
Dead person in the morgue in a dream in Islam
A sick individual will flee from the tribulations of this world if he dreams that he is traveling in a ship’s morgue with corpses.
Dead person is naked in a dream in Islam
If a deceased individual they know appears nude in their dreams, it means they left this world without doing any good (Ibn Rasheed).
Dead person praying on a funeral
If one sees a deceased person performing the funeral prayer over another deceased person in a dream, it means that one’s actions are false, for performing a funeral prayer is a deed and dead people have no more deeds to offer.
If you are interested in this dream, take a look at praying at a funeral in dreams.
Dead person is sick in a dream in Islam
If the deceased is ill in the dream, it indicates that he is accountable to God Almighty for his religious indifference.
That’s right, in a dream seeing a deceased person ill signifies that the dreamer is being questioned about his lack of religious observance during his lifetime.
If a deceased person displays symptoms of illness in a dream, it indicates that they are awaiting divine justice and that their health depends on fulfilling their obligations.
If the departed’s face appears dark or opaque in the dream, it denotes that the individual passed away as an atheist.
If you are interested in this dream, check seeing a dead person sick in my dreams as per Islam.
Dead person sleeping in a dream in Islam
A dead person falling asleep in a dream is a sign that followers will find comfort and serenity in the next world.
Sharing a room with a deceased person in a dream is a symbol of life.
Dead person talking in a dream in Islam
If a deceased person tells someone in a dream that he did not die, it means that he is blessed in the hereafter.
What a deceased person says about himself in a dream is true, for he has reached the abode of truth and he can exercise no falsehood in that abode. If a deceased person tells something in a dream, and if it does not take place, then it means that one is experiencing confused dreams.
Talking with deceased people in a dream means longevity.
Talking to dead people in a dream means having ingratitude toward one’s family or friends.
If a deceased person comes in one’s dream and tells the dreamer about the time of his death, then the day may be one month and the month may be one year and the year ten years.
Read the full content in dream of dead person talking in dreams.
Dream of dead father talking to you
Dead person washing himself in dreams in Islam
It is a sign of comfort for one’s dependents and a rise in their riches if they see a dead person washing himself before burial in a dream.
Dead person well dressed in dreams in Islam
When a deceased person is well clothed, smiling, and wearing something green or white in a dream, it indicates that they are in that condition. Alternatively, if one sees him unclean, grinning, weeping, or unkempt in a dream, this also represents his state in the afterlife.
Dead person is worried in a dream in Islam
If a deceased person is busy, anxious, or poorly clothed in a dream, it indicates that they are going through a battle that can only be resolved by the will of God Almighty.
Death in dreams in Islam
In a dream, death represents religious failure, corruption, and a rise in social status.
Death in a dream also signifies travels, or it could mean poverty.
Death in a dream also portends marriage; similarly, a deceased person being bathed and anointed has the same significance as a groom taking a bath and applying perfume on his wedding day.
This dream also may mean that God Almighty will give life to a barren land.
A religious leader passing away in a dream foretells the arrival of innovation or the refutation of one’s position. The loss of a devoted worshiper in a dream signifies ignoring one’s religious obligations. When an artisan dies, his line of work is over.
Death in a dream can also mean falling in love or being separated from a beloved, whereas life after death could mean being reunited with a beloved or experiencing isolation in Jahannam.
As per Ibn Raashid Al-Bakri, death signifies regrets for major sin.
Read the rest of the meanings in Islamic Interpretation of death in dreams.
Die in a dream in Islam
Longevity is the mean for a dream in which someone was dying without any obvious cause or disease and without displaying any signs of death.
Married dreamer dies and get buried in a dream in Islam
If a married person passes away and is buried in a dream, it indicates that he will divorce his wife, dissolve a business relationship, cut ties with his siblings, friends, and family, or that he may move to a different country. Otherwise, if he has already left his country of origin, it means he will go back.
Digging the grave of a dead person
If a person sees himself digging the grave of a dead person who is known to him it means he will follow in his footsteps in worldly as well as religious matters. If he is unknown to him, he will pursue a matter wherein he will not succeed.
Eating a dead body’s flesh in a dream in Islam
Eating the flesh of a dead person in a dream means enjoying a long life.
Funeral in dreams in Islam
Attending a funeral parade in dreams in islam
If in the dream the dreamer attends the funeral until the interment and closing of the grave in a dream, he will receive a prize whose value is known only to God Almighty. See more interpretation in funeral in dreams.
Funeral prayers in a dream in Islam
In a dream, conducting a funerary prayer for departed people could mean pleading for pardon on their behalf or visiting their cemeteries, admonishing someone with a lifeless heart, bidding farewell to travelers, or caring for the impoverished.
If you are interested in this dream, read more about funeral prayers in dream meaning of funeral in Islam.
Read >>Janaza dreams: islamic meanings.
Fighting a dead person in dreams in Islam
If one’s dream adversary is a deceased individual, good fortune favors the awakened alive.
Finding the body of a dead person in dreams in Islam
Finding money in a dream is announced by a dream in which you discover a dead person’s corpse.
Getting dead people back to life in dreams in Islam
In a dream, resurrecting a dead individual connotes advising a skeptic or chastising an innovator. This might also entail correcting careless individuals who will later turn from their crimes. If a dead individual is reborn in a dream, it reveals that a person with the same name will pass away soon.
Giving a dead person something to eat of drink in dreams in Islam
In a dream, giving something to a dead individual to consume or drink portends financial loss.
Graveyard in dreams in islam
The components of dread, optimism, and a return to direction after carelessness are represented by a graveyard.
See more in dream meaning of grave in Islam.
Taking a dead person from his grave
If he dreams that he exhumed a dead personfrom the grave, he will look for his life story in order to follow his example in religious matters or otherwise.
Having intimate relations with a dead person in dreams in Islam
Having intimacy with a deceased person in their mausoleum in a dream represents either infidelity, mingling with wicked people, or losing money to a con man and hypocrite. A person has probably done something that he regrets if he sees a deceased woman coming back to life, engages in carnal activity with her, and then in a dream finds his body coated in her ova and semen. At the end, he will suffer losses as a consequence of it.
Hugging a dead person in dreams in Islam
If someone dreams that a dead person embraced him lovingly, he will live a long life.
Read more meanings in hugging a deceased person.
Kissing a dead person in a dream in Islam
Kissing a deceased celebrity in a dream represents getting access to their knowledge, wisdom, or heritage. It can also represent taking advantage of their descendants.
If a sick person thinks they are kissing a deceased person, they will die shortly.
If a healthy person sees that same dream, it means that what he says is false.
If he dreams that he kissed a known deceased person, he will receive something from an unexpected source, and if he dreams that a known deceased person kissed him, he will receive something from that person’s descendants. (Ibn Raasheed Al Bakri).
Marrying a dead person
To have a wedding with a deceased person and to move to his or her house in the dream means one’s own death.
If a married woman marries a deceased person in a dream, it means her divorce from her husband, while if an unmarried woman marries a deceased person in a dream means that she will get married.
Marrying a Dead Woman
If a dreamer marries a deceased woman, it portends that he will succeed in pursuing his goal for which he has given up all hope.
Offering clothing to a dead individual in dreams in Islam
In the dream, if he provides a deceased individual a garment, it denotes hardship or sickness.
On the other hand, removing a deceased person’s shroud could indicate guidance, a divorce, a loss of company, or a need to repent of past crimes.
Praying for a dead person in dreams in Islam
In a dream, reciting a funeral prayer for a deceased person may symbolize appealing for forgiveness on their behalf, visiting their cemetery, chastising a person with a dead heart, bidding farewell to travelers, or providing for the poor. Other possible interpretations include visiting their cemetery, chastising a person with a dead heart, visiting with travelers, or providing for the poor.
If you have a dream in which you recite the funeral prayer, it indicates that you are pleading for his redemption and offering an intercession on his behalf.
Resurrection (rising of the dead)
In a dream, seeing all the dead rise on the Day of Judgment symbolizes people going about their everyday lives and pursuing wealth, where some will succeed and others will fail.
In a dream, if one witnesses the graves opening up and the deceased coming back to life while still being accompanied by their angels, justice will eventually win that place.
Seeing a dead baby in a dream in Islam
Seeing a dead baby in a dream means the muslim dreamer will face the end of an early relationship or business association with someone.
If you want to read more about this dream, check article seeing a dead baby in dreams.
Seeing dead person was angry in a dream in Islam
If you dreamt of a deceased loved one being infuriated or frustated with you, the dream means you are becoming aware that something needs to be done in the present to compensate or aliviate for things from the past. Read more in seeing an angry deceased person in dreams.
Seeing that dead person was sad in a dream in Islam
When you see in a dream a dead person you knew in real life in a dream, it means you think she or he is not appropiately remembered or honoured by his or her loved ones in real life.
If you are interested in this dream read seing a dead person being sad in dreams.
Seeing yourself dead in a dream in Islam
One’s cause is doomed and he will be apprehended by the world if the dreamer sees their own burial or funeral in a dream.
If someone passes away in a dream but does not appear to be deceased, and there is no mourning for him or a funeral in the dream, it means that one of his properties will be demolished, a room in his home will fall, a wall will tunnel in, or a pillar may split (You may want to read to be at your own funeral in dreams).
If a person experiences death in a dream and wakes up resembling a corpse that has been cleansed and wrapped in a shroud, their religious faith is also likely to be weak. All of the sorrow and emotions that can be seen in this circumstance represent his rise to prominence and advancement in the world.
If you are interested in this dream you should read seeing yourself dead in Islam.
Seeing yourself naked and dead in dream in Islam
In a dream, to see oneself nude and deceased, one must be poor. In a dream, to see oneself deceased and sprawled out on a straw mat or blanket, is a sign of wealth and success. In dreams, if one sees himself deceased and laying on a litter, it represents advancing in status.
If a dreamer sees himself resting on a bed, this represents receiving favors from his family.
You die and got buried in a dream in Islam
If one dies and gets buried in a dream, it means his freedom. Otherwise, if he is entrusted with something, it means that he will be required to deliver it back to its rightful owner.
There is also another islamic interpretation: if one dies and gets buried in a dream, it means that he will get married.
Your Son dies in a dream in Islam
If one’s son dies in a dream, it means that he will escape from an enemy.
The death of one’s son in a dream means the obscurity of one’s name after his death.
Your daughter dies in a dream in Islam
If one’s daughter dies in a dream, it means despair from relief.
Tomb in a dream in Islam
A dream involving a stone tomb or sarcophagus may be indicative of riches, plunder, trapped enemy troops, or revealing one’s personal secrets. You may want to read more meanings in seeing a grave in dreams.
Travelling with a dead individual in dreams in Islam
If someone dreams that he travelled with a dead person, he will be confused about some of his affairs.
Read more in travelling with a dead individual in dreams in Islam.
Unknow person dead in dreams in islam
An unknown woman dying in a dream represents a lack of rain or famine, and if she is revived, rain is forecast.
In general, when a lady dies in a dream, a kid dies in waking life, and vice versa.
If one hears about the death of an unknown person in a dream, it means a warning about his success in the world at the expense of his religious compromises.
Walking with a dead person in dreams in Islam
If a deceased person takes the dreamer by the hand and walks with him in a dream, it means receiving money from an unexpected source.
Walking among dead people in dreams in Islam
In a dream, passing by with dead individuals implies making friends with some hypocrites. Walking alongside a dead individual in a dream denotes starting a lengthy trip or earning money from travels.
Walking behind a dead person in dreams in Islam
Walking behind a deceased person in a dream means following his footsteps or emulating his trade or traditions, whether they be material or spiritual.
Walking behind a deceased person and entering an unknown house from which one does not come out again in the dream means death.
If one follows the deceased individual in a dream but avoids entering a home like this, it announces that this person will be close to passing away before recovering from their sickness.
Washing dead people’s clothes in a dream in Islam
If you wash the dead person’s clothes in a dream, it means that the dead person will have less to worry about in the future.
In a dream, a dead person who tells someone to wash his clothes is asking them to pray for them and forgive them. It could also mean that he needs someone to do something for him, ask forgiveness for something he did wrong, or pay off a bill he left behind.
Washing dead person in a dream in Islam
Washing a deceased person in a dream portends a confession to the mortuary.
When someone is washed in boiling water in a dream, it represents them being tortured by fires in eternity.
Shrouding the dead in a dream alludes to cleansing the body of toxins or illness.
May Allah bring upon you peace, mercy and blessings.
YouTube video about dead people in dreams
The Holy Quran about deceased people
Chapter 21: The Book of Funerals
“I heard Anas bin Malik say: The Messenger of Allah said: ‘The dead person is followed by three: His family, his wealth and his deeds. Then two of them come back: His family and his wealth, and there remain only his deeds.”‘
Vol. 3, Book 21, Hadith 1939
Chapter 101: The hides of dead animals before tanning
Narrated `Abdullah bin `Abbas:
Once Allah’s Messenger (s.w.t.) passed by a dead sheep and said to the people, “Wouldn’t you benefit by its skin?”
Sahih al-Bukhari 2221
The people replied that it was dead. The Prophet (s.w.t.) said, “But its eating only is illegal.”
Meanings of dreams of dead people in western culture
According to some western authors dedicated to dream interpretation, dreaming of dead people could be interpreted as a warning from that deceased person who has taken a moment to offer you an important message.
What it means to dream of dead can also be interpreted as a figure placed by our subconscious to warn us about something we are not doing well. This is because our subconscious uses many tools to show us important messages, and in this case uses a dead person as a messenger.
In this way, we review what it means to dream of dead from who appear at that moment.
On the other hand, another group of dream interpreters consider that dreaming of dead people at a wake can give us a first impression of fear, loss and sadness. But in reality, a wake announces the end of a bad stage and that a time of happiness and tranquility is beginning.
It can even mean that it is a good time to leave negative experiences behind in order to move towards a better future.
Dreaming of unknown dead tells us that we are choosing to go the wrong way and, because of this, we are losing control of the situation around us. This is a message for us to change course and bet on independence in every way.
The most common reason for dreaming of a deceased person is that your brain is attempting to process newly-acquired sentiments about that person. When the thoughts and emotions buried deep within our subconscious surface to our conscious awareness, they take the form of a dream.
Dreaming of the dead people is also the symbol of trouble in your waking life. This dream is a warning that trouble may approach you in your real-life soon.
It’s common to have dreams about dead people when you feel guilty about not taking care of them.
The dead person can be someone who passed away in real life. You were not as concerned about them when they were alive and you didn’t bother to make efforts in order to make them feel good. Now that they are gone, you are filled with feelings of remorse and guilt.
If you repeat in your head everyday situations with the loved one who left, in which you continue to see him alive, it may represent the inability to become aware of this loss. It happens especially if the death was sudden, because you can still be in shock or denial.
Similarly, these imaginary representations can elicit feelings of nostalgia, sadness, and longing to keep this being close.
This type of dreams generate uneasiness, so it is best to give yourself the opportunity to live the mourning and, if possible, accompany it with a professional in psychology who can guide you.
Dreaming of deceased parents is usually terrible dream .That’s correct. Having a dream about the death of your parents is a very sad and painful experience.
Dreaming of deceased parents means that there will be problems in life and at work. The dreamer is under a lot of pressure and will become extremely busy and full of negative emotions. You should actively regulate your emotions and strengthen your confidence. Keep your efforts and the problems will be overcome.
Dreaming of your partner’s death doesn’t mean anything bad is going to happen. In fact, it is a fairly frequent dream because it is a very important person for you and that is part of your day to day. Regardless of the state of your current relationship, you should not worry about your life: it is not a repressed desire or a warning about your death.
Do not forget, for many western dream specialists, death is a symbol of transformation. In this case, the death of your partner can mean a new stage in your relationship: either a change of priorities, habits or even more important decisions such as the option to try again forgetting the past or the option to give yourself some time to reflect on your relationship.
The death of your partner in dreams symbolizes a new opportunity for both of you.
As per Ibn Rasheed Al Bakri:
If someone has a premonition that they perished and that they were washed and wrapped in a shroud, then their faith affairs will be corrupted and their earthly affairs will get better.
A woman who is expecting will have a child who will bring her joy if she has a premonition that she perished, was carried, and people were silently weeping for her.
- Burying someone in Dreams : Islamic Meaning
- Carrying a dead body in dreams : Islamic meaning
- Crying over someone’s death in dreams : Islamic interpretation
- Dead Baby in Dreams Islamic Meaning
- Dead brother in dreams : Islamic Interpretation
- Dead Father in Dreams Islamic Meaning
- Dead Grandfather in Dreams Islamic Meaning
- Dead grandmother alive in Dreams Islamic Meaning
- Dead grandparents in dreams in Islam
- Dead husband in dreams : Islamic Dreaming
- Dead Mother in Dreams Islamic Meaning
- Dead person angry in dreams : Islamic Meaning
- Dead person asking for food : Islamic Meaning
- Dead person asking for something in a dream in Islam
- Dead person calling you in a dream : Islamic meaning
- Dead person dying again in a dream : Islamic interpretation
- Dead person giving something in dreams in Islam
- Dead person talking in Dreams Islamic Meaning
- Dead person was sick in dreams : Islamic Meaning
- Dead wife in Dreams Islamic Meaning
- Death – Islamic Dream Interpretations
- Deceased relatives in dreams in Islam
- Funeral in Dreams : Islamic Meanings
- Grave Islamic Dream Meanings
- Hugging a deceased person in dreams in Islam
- Janaza in Dreams : Islamic Meanings
- Seeing a coffin in dreams : Islamic Meanings
- Seeing a dead person crying in dreams : Islamic Meaning
- Seeing a dead person happy in dreams : Islamic meaning
- Seeing a dead person sad in dreams : Islamic Meaning
- Seeing dead person alive again in dreams : Islamic meaning
- Seeing yourself die in a dream in Islam
- Travelling with dead person in a dream in Islam