This is the third time I am having a snake bite dream, the first one I don’t remember much but it bite me on my foot, the second one was that that the snake snake was handed over to me and it bite me, the third was of me seeing a snake swallowing another snake when it saw me it jump to bite me but I caught it but it bite my finger, please can you interpret this.
Assalamualaikum w.wb
I had dream of hugging and crying famous muslim scholar just before fajar. The intensity of dream was so strong that i woke up crying and headache half day. I need explanation. Jazakallah khair
3 days i have been seing dreams of snake and magots crawl into my bed making me wakeup in the middle of the night
This is the third time I am having a snake bite dream, the first one I don’t remember much but it bite me on my foot, the second one was that that the snake snake was handed over to me and it bite me, the third was of me seeing a snake swallowing another snake when it saw me it jump to bite me but I caught it but it bite my finger, please can you interpret this.
I saw a sleeping python in/on fridge
Which slept in 3 levels of fridge
Freezer and at the top
Assalamualaikum w.wb
I had dream of hugging and crying famous muslim scholar just before fajar. The intensity of dream was so strong that i woke up crying and headache half day. I need explanation. Jazakallah khair